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  Info on Golden Honey Oil (GHO) and Medical Cannabis 

Info on  Golden Honey Oil (GHO) and Medical Marijuana Info on Golden Honey Oil (GHO) and Medical Marijuana

  • What is it? How Does It Work?
  • Pros -and- Cons.
  • How To Get It, How to Make It.

What is GHO?

GHO = Golden Honey Oil. Also, Hash Oil.

GHO Resource, Information: Honey or hash oil - Medical Marijuana - Platform for medical cannabis Honey or hash oil - Medical Marijuana - Platform for medical cannabis | Hash or honey oil is concentrated cannabis extract. How to use hash oil? It can be eaten, smoked or vaporized, but take care because it is very strong ... Hash oil is one of the most potent forms of (medical) marijuana. The oil is highly concentrated, with THC levels between 40% and 90%. This makes it a powerful medicine to be used with care and wisdom. Hash oil is a resinous matrix of cannabinoids produced by a solvent extraction of (medical) marijuana. The oil varies in appearance from a crystal-clear, glossy amber to gold resin, and is usually very thick and viscious. The best quality is transparent and relatively free of impurities.

How to use hash oil | Hash or honey oil is a wonderful ingredient in cannabis cooking. It can be mixed into various baked goods or spread onto food. Hash oil can also be smeared or dabbed on a cigarette or joint and smoked. It is also possible to vaporize the oil using a vaporizer, bong or bubbler. Please be careful to make sure you get the dose right. It's easy to get a good level of pain relief with hash oil, so don't waste any by using more than you need.

How is hash oil made? | The psychoactive components of medical marijuana are called cannabinoids. To make hash oil, the marijuana plant material is finely ground, and a solvent is used to isolate the cannabinoids. The most common solvent choices are Iiopropyl alcohol, butane, ethanol, petroleum ether and naptha. These are commonly available in drug or hardware stores and have relatively high purity levels.Honey oil, also known as BHO, is a specific type of hash oil extracted with butane. Naphtha-based oil notoriously contains residual naphtha (enough to influence the oil's smell, taste and effects). Many users report headaches and nausea from smoking oil extracted by naphtha. In general, naphtha-based oil poses a greater health risk than butane-extracted oil. Alcohol-extracted oil contains plant sugars, which caramelize when smoked to produce a harsh taste.   Visit:

GHO is a cannabis plant extract and technique that produces the oil.

The solvent is then evaporated off (using a rice cooker or similar heating device) leaving the oil behind. The oil left behind is the GHO.

What does GHO do?

Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system which is responsible for regulation of many of our bodily functions. Our bodies also have the ability to produce our own cannabinoids, they are called endocannabinoids. In a healthy peGHOn everything works fine and the endocannabinoid production is enough to keep us healthy.

If you are sick, have been injured, or live in a polluted area, chances are your endocannabinoid system cannot keep up with the demands put on it and needs help.

The only way to help ourselves is to supplement our bodies with cannabinoids from somewhere else. Cannabinoids from the Cannabis plant. GHO is a very concentrated form of cannabinoids, that is why so many people experience such great improvements when using GHO. It tops off your ailing cannabinoid system with exactly what is needed to keep your body running like a well oiled machine.

What diseases can cannabinoids help?

It seems the medical community is seeing the beginnings of being able to study cannabis,it’s properties and health applications again. I hope so.

Here are just a few conditions that science has proven cannabinoids are therapeutically active against:

Arthritis, Cancer, Crohn’s, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s

I’ve made the GHO so how do I take it and how much do I take?

The different methods of using GHO have different effects as outlined below.

Taking the oil orally and letting it melt in your mouth, not swallowing – Slower acting than smoking, faster than ingesting. Longer relief than smoking.

Smoking, Vaping the oil – into the lungs and direct to the bloodstream. Very fast acting, short lived relief, 2-3 hrs approx depending on the strain and strength.

Ingesting – 1 to 2 hours before you start to get relief but the effects can last 8 – 10 hrs. Through the gut into the liver where THC gets converted to the more psychoactive 11-hydroxy-THC by the liver.

How much to start with?

If you are fighting cancer or other life threatening disease, a recommendation is to ingest 60 grams over a 90 day period to start. For non life threatening, start small. Repeat, start small as GHO is a concentrate. Getting your dose correct can be difficult. Different strains, different tolerances, even different batches of oil.

What if I take too much?

Don’t worry, you can’t die from taking too much, it is impossible because unlike opiates there are no cannabinoid receptors in the part of your brain that are responsible for your automatic baseline functions like making your heart beat, and breathing. So if you do take too much just rest easy and enjoy the ride, there is nothing to worry about.

How much is 1 dose?

Depends on a number of variables. See below

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The process of making GHO:

Starting material: generally folks work with a pound or more of good grade hemp starting material. You can use just one ounce. An ounce will usually produce 3 or 4 grams of oil. The amount of oil produced per ounce of hemp will vary from strain to strain, but it all has that wonderful healing power.

1 –

The Solvent Situation | The process of making oil always involves using a solvent of some sort to dissolve the cannabis resins off the plant material, then somehow separating the solvent from the resin. The quality of the oil depends on the quality of your plant material, the amount of solvent you remove from the finished product, and the amount of time your solvent is exposed to the plant material. Traditionally, isopropyl alcohol is used as a solvent as it's cheap, easy to come by and doesn't generally arouse suspicion from your local drugstore clerk. However, the problem with isopropyl is that it boils away at a relatively high temperature, making it fairly difficult to remove all of it from the finished product. Have you ever smoked thin, watery oil that tasted acrid? That's because not all of the isopropyl was removed. It's very unhealthy to be burning and inhaling alcohol. It's also a fire-hazard.

Making oil with alcohol poses the same threat of fire, as you need to slowly boil off the isopropyl in a water bath, something that requires an open heat source such as an electric element or gas burner. Alternatives to alcohol are ether and chloroform, both of which boil away at almost room temperature and therefore have a better chance of being completely removed from the oil. However, they are very hard to come by and there is the risk of not just fire, but succumbing to the anaesthetic fumes of either.

The Butane Solution | In recent years, those in the know in Amsterdam have been using butane. The beauty of butane is that it's widely available, not outrageously expensive, and can reasonably be bought from your local hardware store as lighter refills. Dutch seed guru Soma uses butane-derived oil in a 1:3 oil/bubble hash concoction called Jelly Hash, which can be stretched and played with like Silly Putty.

Another strength of butane as a solvent is that, because it's under pressure, it shoots out of the can quickly enough not to be dallying around the plant material. In order to get the resin into the solvent, the solvent is usually poured over the plant material or the plant material is soaked in the solvent for a short period of time and then removed. One concern is that if you expose the solvent to the cannabis for too long, you'll start to dissolve off not just the THC-laden resins, but also chlorophyll, waxes and other naturally occurring substances that will degrade the oil's potency, color and taste. So you want to get in and out of there as quickly as possible. The basic concept is a thick plastic tube with a tiny hole at one end and a perforated cap with a filter at the other. There's a nifty little video on their website on how to use their device, safety precautions you should take while making oil ( wear goggles, no baggy clothes, don't smoke, use ventilation) and trippy techno beats. The Honey Bee comes with several filters, but I suspected that you could make your own out of unbleached coffee filters. I did that and it was fine.

The procedure is simple: 1. Grind anywhere from 3g to 28g of shake/trim/bud (or some combination thereof) in a coffee grinder.

2. Put it in the Honey Bee Extractor and close the cap.

3. Hold the Extractor filter-side down over a Pyrex bowl.

4. Fit the tip of the butane can into the little hole.

5. Press down hard, waiting about 30 seconds or so for the Butane to flow out the bottom of the Extractor.

6. Feel like Bill Nye the Science Guy with your safety goggles on and the superkewl clouds of vapor rising about you!

7. Put the bowl in another bowl of hot water, or on a hot water bottle.

8. Wait about 15 to 20 minutes for the Butane to evaporate completely.

9. Scrape the oil off the bowl.

10. Put it into one of those wee elfin bottles people put oil into.

11. Get very stoned. I was truly amazed at how easy it was to make kick-ass oil. I used mostly Northern Lights #5 shake and trim, a little bit of Cherry Bomb trim and a couple of nuggs of Island Sweet Skunk for good measure. Altogether I used 21g of ganja to make approximately 1.5 g of oil of two grades ? the first "wash" which is the purest and the second and third which were still pretty damn good. Both were deep amber in color and before I heated them, looked exactly like creamy taffy. Or perhaps, honey. Now you have GHO ! Please Utilize Responsibly!! * SOURCE =   Visit:

GHO Resource, Information: Erowid Cannabis Vault : Hash Honey Oil Technique | The Boffo Butane - PVC Hash Oil Extractor: Trash leaf to honey oil in minutes, by Indra > For those of us who never quite got over the loss when fine-quality hash oil disappeared from the market, and for cannabis connoisseurs of all ages everywhere, it would be my honor to write up what has to be the easiest, highest-yielding and most selective cannabis oil extraction method available to date. This method has its basis in a fascinating industrial extraction method known as Supercritical Fluid Extraction. It uses totally over-the-counter butane gas (8 oz can, camping supply store, ~US$4.50) as the extraction solvent, and requires nothing even remotely suspicious or difficult to purchase. The only other thing needed is about $2.00 worth of PVC pipe: a section 1.5 (one and a half) feet long and 1 & 3/4" diameter (outer diameter I believe), and two end caps. Threaded PVC is not necessary.

For reasons not yet clear to those of us investigating these things "unofficially," butane (and perhaps other gas/solvents with similar ultra-low-boiling properties) selectively solvate the desirable fraction(s) of cannabis oils, pulling out only a beautiful amber "honey oil" and leaving the undesirable vegetative oils, waxes, chlorophyll, etc. behind in the plant matter. Even unsmokable shade leaves produce a wonderfully clean and potent gold oil with this method. I have every reason to suspect that this would work splendidly to extract a super-strong and tasty oil from gross, unpalatable "schwag" commercial pot too, and of course, the better grade of herb you put it in, the better the resulting oil.

Note that the amount of honey oil resulting is very low. Cannabis leaf and bud varies in THC content from 0.5% to over 10% for extremely high potency bud, with the average for normal quality material in the 1-3% range. With a perfect extraction (this method will not approach 100%), that would mean less than a gram of oil from each ounce of leaf and between 1 and 3 grams of oil from each ounce of high-potency bud. The primary use for this technique is to render leaf into a form more appropriate for medical use by removing other tars and ash-producing material from the psychoactive principals.

METHOD: In one of the PVC end caps, drill a single small hole in the center. This hole should be correctly sized to snugly receive the little outlet nozzle of your butane can. In the other end cap, drill a group of 5 or 6 small holes clustered in the center (like a pepper shaker).

After putting a piece of paper towel or coffee filter inside it for filtration, put the end cap with several holes on one end of the pipe. Push it on there real tight. This is the bottom. Fill the pipe up with plant matter that has been pulverized into a coarse powder. You want it filled, but not packed down. (Full pipe estimated at 1.5 oz capacity, but this is a guess. I did not weigh it.)

Place the top end cap on the pipe. Again, push it on as securely as you can by hand. Find a location outdoors with a decent breeze. You want these butane fumes to be quickly carried away. Seriously.

Mount the pipe (single hole-side up) over a vessel that can hold 300mL+. Beakers are perfect. A lab stand and clamp are ideal for the mounting, but a regular shop clamp or anything that can hold it sturdily is fine. (Avoid metal if you can, to reduce the chance of sparks.) Position the bottom end of the pipe immediately over (1-2") the receiving vessel to eliminate splatter loss. Turn the butane gas can upside down and dispense the gas into the pipe via the single top hole. A whole 8-oz can takes about 10-12 seconds to evacuate. Be brave, swift, and careful. A spark at this moment would spell disaster since you have basically created an incendiary explosive device that is leaking.

When you've exhausted the can into the pipe, back off to a nice distance and let it do its thing. The butane moves down the pipe, extracting the cannabis as it goes. When it gets to the bottom (~30 seconds after dispensing), it begins to drain into the receiving vessel. Notice the pale, glowing yellow-green-gold hue of the extract. It is obvious no chlorophyll was pulled out of the herb.

Over approximately five to eight minutes, the butane extract will finish draining from the pipe to the receiving vessel. Maintain caution with the pipe, however, since there is a lot of residual butane still evaporating from within the pipe (notice the stream of fumes coming from the top hole). When it slows down to a drop every few seconds, you can tap on the top hole with your finger and it will help push the last of the liquid butane out (or one can gently blow into the top hole to do the same thing). Remember, NO SMOKING, unless you wish to immolate yourself in grand fashion. Being very low-boiling and volatile, the collected butane will likely begin boiling at ambient temperature. The receiving vessel will gradually frost up as the butane cools it down, slowing down its rate of evaporation, but you can speed this up again simply by holding it in your hands. A better way is to set it in a saucepan containing a little bit of warm water. Watch the butane start bubbling madly with the increase in temperature and marvel at its low boiling point. Again, be doing this outdoors with a nice breeze! It takes about 20 minutes or so to allow the butane to evaporate, or quicker if you help it along. You are left with a deep amber, almost orange oil of amazing purity.

The best way to collect and store the oil is probably to let all of the butane evaporate off and then redissolve the oil in some anhydrous or high-% alcohol, and then pour this into a vial and let it sit out for a day or two to allow the alcohol to evaporate. Trying to transfer the oil into a small container while it is still solvated by the butane is too risky. I learned the hard way about this, thanks to the volatile temperament of butane. I had filled a vial almost all the way to the top and was preparing to drop those last couple drops in, so that cleverly, I could let the last of the butane evaporate from the vial and the oil would all be neatly contained. But when the last drop hit the mother lode in the vial, it changed the temperature of the solution in the vial upward by a hair and it all "superboiled" out of the vial and onto my fingers, which of course startled me and caused me to drop the vial. I suggest dissolving it in alcohol as I mentioned above. If you can get pure or 99% isopropanol (isopropyl), use it, because THC's photosensitivity reportedly does not occur in isopropanol.

The final product is a deep yellow-amber oil of the highest quality, incredibly pure and potent. I remember well some of the prime "honey oil" hash oils that hit the market in the late 1970s, and this stuff stands up to (if not exceeds) any of them. It's amazing how this method extracts only the good fraction and leaves the junk in the weed. But that's exactly what it does. Note also that this oil has a somewhat higher melt/vaporization point than traditional hash oils; the traditional dispensing method (dipping a needle or paper clip in, getting some goop on the end, and warming it with a flame to get it to drip off into your bowl) still works with this stuff, but it seems you have to be more careful with it because it doesn't heat to liquid state as quickly or in the same manner, and it can more easily be allowed to burn up on your needle. So be careful.

Those who prefer a tincture-like preparation can of course thin the product a little with a bit of warm high-percentage alcohol like Everclear or 90-whatever-% isopropyl, then drop it onto buds or let a joint absorb some, then let the alcohol evaporate. I also observed that unlike hash oil derived from traditional methods, this product is not immediately soluble in room-temp alcohol; it needed to be warmed before it dissolved fully. Now you have GHO ! Please Utilize Responsibly!! * SOURCE =   Visit:

  more Info on Golden Honey Oil (GHO)  

GHO Resource, Information: How To Make Cannabis Oil and Hash Oil How To Make Cannabis Oil and Hash Oil. | What is Cannabis Oil? > Simply put, it’s oil that’s derived from the cannabis plant. It’s usually dark in color and is somewhat syrupy. It’s a carefully-measured mixture of cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. It’s a potent product that’s packed with about 70% and 90% of THC. It’s usually called hash oil but that’s a bit of a misnomer because it doesn’t contain any hashish. They also look different from each other.

What Effects Does Cannabis Oil Have? | When taken in small dosages, you can expect to experience the same effects as taking marijuana since they’re both from the cannabis plant. In addition, both of them contain THC which is the chemical compound that gives users a euphoric feeling. However, it’s important to note that cannabis oil has a more potent amount of THC, making the effects more intense. What is Cannabis Oil Made From? | The most important ingredient of cannabis oil is the cannabis plant itself. Solvent is also needed and isopropanol or butane are popular choices.

How is Cannabis Oil Made? | The process involves soaking the cannabis in your solvent of choice and then using low heat in order for the solvent to evaporate. This is going to extract the oil and you’ll be left with the syrupy oil. Another process is to put the cannabis inside a pipe that’s sealed on one end with a filter on the other end. The solvent is forced inside to extract the oil. It’s always important to note that you’ll be dealing with highly-flammable materials. What is a Standard Dose Of Cannabis Oil? | A standard dose that’s considered safe is just a smear. Usually, it’s smeared on tobacco paper with marijuana. Two to three puffs are more than enough for an hour of high. A drop is also considered as a standard dose. You can also go to as much as two drops since one to two drops is equivalent to a single joint of marijuana. >> visit -

GHO Resource, Information: xxx What is Cannabis oil? | Concentrated cannabis extracts, also known as Cannabis oils because of their sticky and viscous appearance, are increasingly mentioned by self-medicating patients as a cure for cancer. In general, preparation methods for Cannabis oil are relatively simple and do not require particular instruments. The purpose of the extraction, often followed by a solvent evaporation step, is to make cannabinoids and other beneficial components such as terpenes available in a highly concentrated form. Cannabis oil is usually taken orally, by ingesting a small number of drops several times a day. Please find here some information on the question whether cannabis can cure cancer.

How is Cannabis oil prepared? | Various methods have been described for the preparation of Cannabis oil. The most popular method, as described by former (skin)cancer patient Rick Simpson from Canada, suggests the use of naphtha or petroleum ether as a solvent for the extraction. Following the success of Simpson oil, a number of related recipes have sprung up, emphasizing small but significant changes to the original recipe. Examples include focusing on safer solvents such as ethanol, or preventing exposure to organic solvents altogether, by using olive oil. Preheating of cannabis to ‘activate’ (decarboxylate) the cannabinoids may result in loss of terpenes as a result of evaporation. If the full range of terpenes is desired in the final Cannabis oil, dried buds and leaves can be used directly for extraction, without preheating. >> visit -

GHO Resource, Information:  Researchers Test Efficacy Of Various Cannabis Extract Solvents Researchers Test Efficacy Of Various Cannabis Extract Solvents | With this in mind, the European research team investigated the effectiveness of four extraction solvents – naphtha, petroleum ether, ethanol and olive oil. They performed a total of five extractions, including two slightly different methods of olive oil extraction. Lab test results from each final product were then analyzed for their respective cannabinoid and terpene content. “Ethanol and olive oil were determined to be the most effective, largely because of their ability to produce an extract with a high terpene content. Perhaps more importantly, both substances are safe for consumption.” Of the solvents used, naphtha showed the most significant difference. Naphtha-based cannabis oil displayed a lower concentration of terpenes and a much higher percentage of decarboxylated tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compared to the other extracts. On the other hand, ethanol and olive oil were determined to be the most effective, largely because of their ability to produce an extract with a high terpene content. Perhaps more importantly, both substances are safe for consumption. >> visit -

GHO Resource, Information: Hash oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hash oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Hash oil (also known as dabs, shatter, or earwax) is a resinous matrix of cannabinoids obtained from the cannabis plant by solvent extraction. Hash oil is the most potent of three main cannabis products, which are herb (marijuana), resin (hashish), and oil (hash oil).

Usage | Hash oil can be consumed in various ways, including smoking, vaporization, orally or topically. Typically, it is vaporized in what is known as a "rig", a small water pipe designed for hash oil vaporization. The medical or recreational user takes a hand-held blowtorch and heats a titanium surface until the titanium surface reaches the desired temperature. This is followed by placing a drop of hash oil, a process known as "dabbing", on the hot surface until it melts, boils, and vaporizes through the water pipe and into the user's lungs.

Manufacturing | Hash oil is a cannabis product obtained by separating resins from cannabis buds by solvent extraction. The most common form of hash oil is made by passing butane gas through a tube filled with cannabis plant matter. The low temperature of the liquid butane crystallizes the cannabis resins. As the butane passes through the tube the crystallized resins are trapped in the liquid butane. As the solvent (butane + resins) exits the tube it is caught in a glass container. Since butane has such a low vaporizing temperature it evaporates quite quickly, leaving behind the crystallized resins only, which are collected from the glass container. This form is known as BHO or "Butane Hash Oil". After obtaining BHO many connoisseurs will then vacuum purge their oil in a vacuum chamber. This action, depending on duration of exposure to vacuum, will give the B.H.O characteristic textures, producing wax, crumble, shatter, budder, etc.

Other solvents commonly used are hexane, isopropyl alcohol, ethanol, and CO2 (dry ice). One should note the purity of the solvent used, as only pure, additive-free types should be considered suitable to avoid unwanted health effects. Cannabis can also be boiled in a solvent to form a viscous liquid which is then strained and the solvent is evaporated to yield hash oil. Flammable solvents used in extraction make the process dangerous.[8]   Visit:

Dosage and Titration

Epilepsy Info - CannaDad's Blog: Cannabis Oil Dosing For Children and Beginners | I am asked regularly about how to best establish a safe and therapeutic dosing regimen for a pediatric cannabis patient. After much trial and error, information from many reliable sources and research- I feel I can give a good recommendation on where to start. To start: 1 gram of Cannabis oil should be mixed into 20 grams of organic, cold pressed, virgin coconut oil.

Mixing can be done in a very efficient and easy manner. Warm your coconut oil on low heat, coconut oil has a low melting point of 76 degrees, therefore, medium or high heat is unnecessary. When the oil is in a liquid state, draw it up into two 10ml oral syringes. This will give you 20 grams of ready to use coconut oil. Squeeze the coconut oil into a small canning jar that is resting in water over low heat. From the syringe of Cannabis oil, (Most commonly Cannabis oil comes pre-packaged in 3.5ml - 10ml oral syringes) inject 1ml or 1cc into the liquid coconut oil.

Stir for a few moments over low heat, when the coconut oil is fully saturated with the Cannabis oil, the mixture will become a light green. This is when the cannabinoids bind to the fats of the coconut oil. Fill a clean 10ml oral syringe with the CannaCoco combination. This dilution would give a ratio of 1/20g- or .05g or 50mg cannabis oil per gram of mixed coconut oil. This dosing schedule does not have to apply strictly to pediatric patients, but could also be used to begin cannabinoid therapy on novice adults, elderly, and infirm patients. Coconut oil is not the only medium that can be used, olive oil, grapeseed oil, hemp oil and others have also been successfully used to infuse and dilute cannabis oil for dosing. I always recommend avoiding the use of GMO vegetable oils such as soy, corn, canola and general vegetable oil. >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - Pediatric Cannabis Therapy > Pages > Articles > A Beginner's Guide to Cannabis Therapy > Dosing > Article: Cannabis Oil Dosing | I am asked regularly about how to best establish a safe and therapeutic dosing regimen for a pediatric cannabis patient. After much trial and error, information from ... This dilution would give a ratio of 1/20g- or .05g or 50mg cannabis oil per gram of mixed coconut oil. Essentially this almost nullifies the chances of an "overdose" where the undesirable effects of cannabis could potentially appear. This overdose is not harmful in anyway or toxic, however very uncomfortable for an inexperienced patient. A double '00’ capsule holds approximately one full gram of oil- fill the capsule and take this dose twice daily; Once in the morning, once in the evening. This will give approximately .1g of cannabis oil daily. Continue this routine until either a noticeable tolerance is established or you feel ready to increase your dosing, preferably at one week.

The second week or when ready, reduce the dilution to 1/10g by mixing 1g cannabis oil into 10g coconut oil. This will safely up the dosing to .1g or 100mg cannabis per gram of oil; introducing more therapeutic cannabinoids to the system. This dose taken twice a day this would increase saturation to .2g or 200mg of cannabis oil a day! This is putting you well on your way to a gram or more of cannabis oil a day! Continue reducing the dilution and increasing cannabis intake steadily over the next two weeks- within the first month 1 gram a day of Cannabis oil should be tolerable and consumed to promote a complete saturation treatment. Do not restrict the patient to one gram a day if afflicted with a severe condition, many successful cannabis oil stories involve consuming 2+ grams a day for an extended period of time. >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - How to dose your cannabis oil | > Here’s how I manage my doses with cannabis oil, Dividing it into a number of separate doses to be taken during the course of the day. While it was still warm, I sucked the oil up into a 10ml syringe sold for administering baby medicine. I went to the local health food store and found some double zero sized capsules, they are used by bodybuilders and health nuts for health supplements and other herbs. I just want to avoid my breath smelling like weed oil, and the associated green teeth. The Cannabis oil is quite handy to dispense into capsules when it is contained in the syringe and refrigerated, cooling it gives the oil a thick consistency like tar, which is great for storage, but if you have your daily dose at room temperature you can easily squeeze it into the capsule before weighing it on electronic scales.

At the beginning, you will start with only a small amount, a single dose daily the size of a grain of rice, and double it every four days until you reach the full one-gram daily dosage. At full strength dosage, I take a capsule of .3 gm of oil 2 times, and the last dose for the end of the day I prepare at .4 grams to reach the full gram. The heavier last dose is helpful for sleep, and I always rest well. Rest is essential during your treatment, it is natural that anxiety over having Cancer can make it hard to rest. Fact: It is not possible to clinically overdose on cannabis, since the LD50 rating is so low, at 1:40,000 it is the most non toxic substance known to man. >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - Hemp Oil Dosage Information - hemp4cure - Google Sites | It takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment. I suggest that people start with 3 doses per day about half the size of a grain of dry rice. A dose such as this would equal about ¼ of a drop. After four days at this dosage, increase your doses every four days until you are at the point where you are ingesting about 1 gram in 24 hours, so each dose should equal 1/3 of a gram. It takes the average person about 5 weeks to get to the point where they can ingest a gram per day. Once they reach this dosage they can continue at this rate until the cancer disappears. A gram is just slightly less than 1ml. By using this method it allows the body to build up its tolerance slowly, in fact, I have many reports from people who took the oil treatment and never got ‘high’. We all have different tolerances for any medication. Your size and body weight have little to do with your tolerance for hemp oil. >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - Bay Area Cannabis : Cannabis Oil Dosage Instructions | Cannabis Oil Dosage Instructions. November 23, 2011 9:48 pm; Begin your dosing about 2 hours before you normally go to sleep. The oil takes an hour-and-a-half to 2 ... Squeeze a tiny drop onto a cracker, nut, or whatever … the drop should be about the size of a pinhead. Most likely you will not feel a dose this small, but it’s better safe than sorry. If you felt relaxed, but it was manageable last night, then stay at that dose for the next 3 days. Take that dose 4 times each day to build blood levels and tolerance. If you felt nothing, then the next morning double that dose and see how that feels. What you want is to take enough to feel relaxed or tired, but not enough to feel nauseous, make the room spin, or feel like vomiting. And sometimes that can be a VERY fine line, so hence the need to go small. >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - Dosage Information: How to take cannabis oil orally and apply ... By: Lincoln Horsley 1/22/2013 | Here is information on the dosage of cannabis oil and lifestyle changes to make to help cure your cancer naturally. For most people it will take about 60 grams of cannabis oil to kill most cancers. For the average person it will take about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment of cannabis oil. (*DIRECTIONS for making cannabis oil*) People should start by orally ingesting three doses of cannabis oil per day. For the first week each dose should be the size of a half grain of white rice. After the oil has been taken for a week, start to double the dose.

The dose should be doubled every four days until 1 gram per day is ingested. Most people to get to the point where they can ingest 1 gram per day in about 30-35 days. Once ingesting one gram of oil per day is achieved, dosage should continue at that rate until the cancer is gone. Dosing the oil slowly over the first 30 days allows the body to build up a tolerance to it slowly. For people that experience a "high" side effect or extreme tiredness during the day, you can slightly reduce your dosage during the day hours and slightly increase your dosage before bed. This will help in gaining quality of sleep plus it helps build your tolerance while you sleep. We all have different tolerances for any medication. - See more at: >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) - Drugs and Supplements - Mayo Clinic | For Adults (18 years and older) -

To treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (nerve cell disease), 10 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth daily for two weeks.

To prevent nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, five milligrams per meter squared of dronabinol (Marinol®) has been taken by mouth 1-3 hours before chemotherapy, then every 2-4 hours after chemotherapy, for a total of 4-6 doses daily.

To treat atopic dermatitis (itchy, scaly skin rashes), hemp seed oil has been taken by mouth for 20 weeks.

To increase appetite in people with cancer, 2.5 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth with or without one milligram of CBD for six weeks.

To treat chronic pain, cannabinoids have been taken by mouth in the form of capsules or sprayed into the mouth as THC, benzopyranoperidine (BPP), cannabidiol (CBD), nabilone, dronabinol, or synthetic nitrogen THC analogs (NIB), with doses of 2.5-20 milligrams for an average of 25 days.

A mouth spray has been used in divided doses of 2.5-120 milligrams for two weeks. Doses of Sativex® have been sprayed into the mouth, up to 48 sprays daily, for 1-2 weeks, then 10-15 sprays daily, or 4-8 sprays, with eight being the maximum one-time dose or within a three-hour period.

To improve appetite in people with cystic fibrosis (mucus buildup in the organs), a dose of 2.5 milligrams of dronabinol has been taken by mouth, increasing to a maximum of 10 milligrams daily for 1-6 months. To treat dementia, 2.5 milligrams of dronabinol has been taken by mouth twice daily for six weeks.

To treat eating disorders, 7.5-30 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth daily for four weeks.

To treat epilepsy, 200-300 milligrams of CBD has been taken by mouth daily for up to 4.5 months.

To improve fatty acid status, hemp seed oil has been taken by mouth.

To treat movement problems caused by Huntington's disease, 1-2 milligrams of nabilone has been taken by mouth daily for five weeks. A dose of 10 milligrams per kilogram of CBD has been taken by mouth daily for six weeks.

To treat sleep disorders, 40-160 milligrams of CBD has been taken by mouth.

To treat multiple sclerosis symptoms, 2.5 milligrams of dronabinol (Marinol®) has been taken by mouth daily, increasing to a maximum of 10 milligrams daily for three weeks. A dose of 15-30 milligrams of cannabis extract capsules has been taken by mouth in five-milligram increments, based on tolerance, for 14 days. Cannabis extracts, including Cannador®, have been taken by mouth for 2-4 weeks. Cannabis plant extracts containing 2.5-120 milligrams of a THC-CBD combination have been taken by mouth daily for 2-15 weeks. A mouth spray (Sativex®, containing 2.7 milligrams of THC and 2.5 milligrams of CBD) has been used at a dose of 2.5-120 milligrams in divided doses for up to eight weeks.

To treat schizophrenia, 40-1,280 milligrams of CBD has been taken by mouth daily for up to four weeks.

To treat Tourette's syndrome, gelatin capsules containing 2.5-10 milligrams of THC have been taken by mouth as a single dose. A dose of 2.5 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth daily, increasing to 10 milligrams daily in 2.5-milligram intervals over a four-day time period for six weeks.

To treat rheumatoid arthritis, up to six sprays of Sativex® have been used once daily 30 minutes before bed for five weeks.

To treat glaucoma (increased eye pressure), a single dose of five milligrams of THC has been placed under the tongue. A dose of 20-40 milligrams of CBD has been placed under the tongue as a single dose; however, 40 milligrams appeared to increase eye pressure. >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - NOTE! | There have been people who have experienced mild withdraw symptoms when the original cannabis oil treatment is finished. They did not take a maintenance dose of oil nor did they ingest cannabis in any other fashion, such as vaporizing. The person experienced lack of sleep, loss of appetite, sweats, lack of sex drive. These symptoms were gone within 7 days. In fact larger doses would be good to help patients get off addictive and dangerous pain medications like Morphine or Vicodin. When people using those type of medications start the cannabis oil treatment, they can a lot of times, cut their pain medications by as much as half. - See more at: - See more at: >> Visit:

  FORUMs - other Bulletin Boards and On-Line Chat Rooms 

Info on FORUMs, Bulletin Boards and other On-Line Chat Rooms on  Golden Honey Oil (GHO) and  Medical Cannabis and in general Info on FORUMs, Bulletin Boards and other On-Line Chat Rooms on Golden Honey Oil (GHO) and Medical Cannabis and in general. What yours? Add It or Let Us Know.

GHO Resource, Forum: Honey Oil - General - Grasscity Forums Honey Oil - General - Grasscity Forums | Honey Oil - posted in General: Righ then- no more fucking q's about honey oil. The method is simple and can easily be obtained from erowid which is where I got this: ... The method is simple and can easily be obtained from erowid which is where I got this: Hash Honey Oil The Boffo Butane-PVC Hash Oil Extractor Trash leaf to honey oil in minutes by Indra - 5/1/99 For those of us who never quite got over the loss when fine-quality hash oil disappeared from the market, and for cannabis connoisseurs of all ages everywhere, it would be my honor to write up what has to be the easiest, highest-yielding and most selective cannabis oil extraction method available to date. Those who prefer a tincture-like preparation can of course thin the product a little with a bit of warm high-percentage alcohol like Everclear or 90-whatever-% isopropyl, then drop it onto buds or let a joint absorb some, then let the alcohol evaporate. I also observed that unlike hash oil derived from traditional methods, this product is not immediately soluble in room-temp alcohol; it needed to be warmed before it dissolved fully.   Visit:

GHO Resource, Forum: Pure THC gold capsules - Stash Jar - Grasscity Forums Pure THC gold capsules - Stash Jar - Grasscity Forums | Picked up a bottle of these 25 mg pure THC Gold capsules (posted in my thread as well) "Pure gold consists only pure cannabinoids refined from hash oil.Pure gold is not an "oil". Hash oils typically contain 40-60% contaminants that include solvents, pigments,waxes, tars etc. Pure Gold is made with a complex but natural scientific process that uses high heat, frigid cold and pressure to remove the hash oil contaminants.... To this we add 5% Limonene a natural terpene in cannabis." Each one of these capsules contains 25 mg of THC and NO plant matter. Thc gold is 74.45% THC 2.91% CBD 2.76% CBN 12.11% Other Cannabinoids ( have more info if anyone is interested)   Visit:

  NEWs - Sources 

GHO News and in the News. What yours? Add It or Let Us Know.

GHO Resource, Information: Honey oil made easy | Cannabis Culture | The Honey Bee Extractor lets you make fabulous oil in just minutes. > In my opinion as a tokin' Mama, there is no smokable cannabis derivative that gets you more baked than oil. Whether you call it honey or hash oil, it's the concentrated liquid essence of marijuana and it doesn't take much of it to completely stone you, though its mind-numbing power makes it an acquired taste. The solvent situation | The process of making oil always involves using a solvent of some sort to dissolve the cannabis resins off the plant material, then somehow separating the solvent from the resin. The quality of the oil depends on the quality of your plant material, the amount of solvent you remove from the finished product, and the amount of time your solvent is exposed to the plant material.

Traditionally, isopropyl alcohol is used as a solvent as it's cheap, easy to come by and doesn't generally arouse suspicion from your local drugstore clerk. However, the problem with isopropyl is that it boils away at a relatively high temperature, making it fairly difficult to remove all of it from the finished product. Have you ever smoked thin, watery oil that tasted acrid? That's because not all of the isopropyl was removed. It's very unhealthy to be burning and inhaling alcohol. It's also a fire-hazard. I was truly amazed at how easy it was to make kick-ass oil. I used mostly Northern Lights #5 shake and trim, a little bit of Cherry Bomb trim and a couple of nuggs of Island Sweet Skunk for good measure. Altogether I used 21g of ganja to make approximately 1.5 g of oil of two grades ? the first "wash" which is the purest and the second and third which were still pretty damn good. Both were deep amber in color and before I heated them, looked exactly like creamy taffy. Or perhaps, honey.   Visit:


Non-Profit Organizations & such. What yours? Add It or Let Us Know.

GHO Resource, Information: Pure Gold Hash Oil Review | Swami's Medical Marijuana Dispensary Pure Gold Hash Oil Review | Swami's Medical Marijuana Dispensary | Pure Gold Looks (10): Sultry amber gold in coloration, like pure Vermont maple syrup. Viscous too, with the consistency of cold oil; best to gently heat ... For a half gram (one vial or one squeeze capsule) it goes for $42, for a gram (two vials or 2 squeeze capsules) it goes for $84. Effects (10): Significantly clear-headed and none too downtrodden – as advertised; with an equally as strong physicality of impressive proportions. Indications: Good for appetite stimulation, inflammation, nausea, stress relief, pain relief.   Visit:


GHO and Business interests. IMPORTANT NOTICE! "Caveat Emptor" ( Watch Your Ass, Buyer ) as we have not checked these out ourselves. Note any consumer comments, below. What yours? Have a Business? or, Consumer with Comment on Biz listed here? PLEASE update us if you have any contact with any these or similar. Add It or Let Us Know.

Epilepsy Info - Dixie Botanicals is shipping Cannabidiol from Denver Colorado to all fifty states though of course one can grow marijuana oneself and or use regular marijuana strains if one lives in one of the now fifteen states that has made medical marijuana legal. Contact: 4990 Oakland St, Denver, CO 80239 * Toll Free: 866-920-4262 - Customer Service hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5:00 Mountain Time, or >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - Someday the name "Rick Simpson" with be a household name. He will be known as the man who rediscovered the cure for cancer by everyone. Rick's journey to finding the cure for cancer starts back in 2003. In 2003 Rick was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma skin cancer. He had 3 spots of cancer on his body. 2 on his face and 1 on his neck. Rick's decision on how to handle this diagnosis would be world changing. After not having much luck with surgery Rick decided to try something different. For almost a year Rick had been extracting the oil from the cannabis plant and ingesting it orally. He had been taking the oil for other health reasons but the cancer diagnosis reminded him of something and gave him an idea. He remembered a radio headline he heard almost 30 years earlier. The radio headline had stated that the University of Virginia had found the cannabinoid in cannabis THC could kill cancer in mice. He figured that if it kills cancer in mice it would kill his cancer too. - See more at: >> Visit:

Epilepsy Info - Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil Dosage for Sale | Rick Simpson cannabis oil is a type of hemp oil formulated by medical marijuana activist Rick Simpson. After discovering the healing powers of cannabis oil and curing himself of his metastatic skin cancerin 2003, Rick Simpson decided to share his knowledge. The Medicinal Power of Cannabis | Used as a treatment for cancer and a range of other ailments, the oil is called Rick Simpson Cannabis oil and Rick Simpson hemp oil. The oil capitalizes on the healing powers of the cannabis plant, parts of which have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. The oil is one the most effective modern-day curative products derived from the cannabis plant. At, you cannot only learn to make the oil yourself, but easily buy ready-to-use cannabis oil at the best prices. >> Visit:

GHO Resource, Business: Pot Labs - Gold Marijuana Cannabis Oil Pot Labs - Gold Marijuana Cannabis Oil | Pot Labs™ first produced Gold Marijuana™ in 1996.Naturally derived from California cannabis, glycerin and sunshine.   Visit:

GHO Resource, Business: Pure Gold Hash Oil - SPARC - Medical Marijuana Menu Pure Gold Hash Oil - SPARC - Medical Marijuana Menu | Medical marijuana dispensary, doctor and medicine directory with reviews. Search medical cannabis menus by price, strength, flavor, treatable symptoms & more in San ... Available in half grams for $40 only! An ultra pure THC concentrate at 74% THC. All contaminates have been removed, leaving behind only cannabinoids.   Visit:

GHO Resource, Business: Honey Oil - CO2 Extracted Cannabis Oil - OrganaLabs Honey Oil - CO2 Extracted Cannabis Oil - OrganaLabs | Honey Oil > OrganaLab’s Honey Oil is a pure, organically extracted cannabis oil that is smooth and well balanced, but very potent. Our Honey Oil a special treat for the discerning connoisseurs that insist on purity and quality. Honey Oil can be used as a concentrate or can be infused into various products including edibles and topicals. Another common praise of this oil is that the taste is much milder when used in edibles than cooking with cannabutter. Honey Oil has been tested at approximately 120mg of active Cannabinoids per .3g. Effects: immediate relief; smooth taste; gradual high lasting 4-6 hours; very relaxed body high with a dreamy, euphoric head high.   Visit:

GHO Resource, Business: TetraLabs :: PureGold with Limonene: smokable and quick acting TetraLabs :: PureGold with Limonene: smokable and quick acting | PureGold with Limonene: smokable and quick acting PureGold, the core active ingredient in all TetraLabs products, offers rapid relief for appetite loss, nausea, inflammation, pain and other symptoms. PureGold is not an extract or hash oil. Rather, it consists of the pure cannabinoids that are refined from hash oil. Smokable PureGold contains 93% pure natural cannabinoids, comprised of approximately 87% ?9 and other THC isomers, 2% CBG, 3% CBN, 1% CBD, along with 2% other terpenes. Smokable PureGold also includes 5% d-limonene, a naturally occurring terpene found in orange oil and other plants, including cannabis. Testers report that limonene improves smoke-ability and improves the affect. Limonene also is an anti-oxidant and has the pleasant fragrance of oranges.   Visit:

GHO Resource, Business: Ingestibles - OrganiCann Ingestibles - OrganiCann | Contains: Pure Gold, Peppermint Oil, Everclear Alcohol. OrganiCann, Organic Cannabis Foundation, Santa Rosa, California Medicinal Marijuana Dispensary. Locations ...   Visit:

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Thursday, January 19 at 04:12 AM:
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Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 03:21 PM:
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"The key to this process is the accumulation of ceramide in the system. This means taking therapeutic amounts of CBD and THC, steadily, over a period of time, keeping metabolic pressure on this cancer cell death pathway. How did this pathway come to be? Why is it that the body can take a simple plant enzyme and use it for profound healing in many different physiological systems? This endocannabinoid system exists in all animal life, just waiting for its matched exocannabinoid activator. - See more at >> "

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 08:56 PM:
Anita from the Net wrote:
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Tuesday, June 9 at 05:48 AM:
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Friday, March 27 at 02:26 PM:
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Monday, March 16, 2015 at 05:37 PM:
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 05:43 AM:
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Wednesday, October 29 at 11:54 AM:
citizen from OR wrote:
"O MY Gawd = "The only other thing needed is about $2.00 worth of PVC pipe: a section 1.5 (one and a half) feet long and 1 & 3/4" diameter (outer diameter I believe), and two end caps. Threaded PVC is not necessary." = PVC is Butane soluable = Poly Vinyl Chloride in your "medicine".

Oh and I forgot to make it clear Isoppropyl Alcohol and Everclear/Ethanol are also BOTH EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE AND EXPLOSIVE and require serious precautions to not incinerate yourself. PLEASE MAKE SAFETY FIRST! RESPECTFULLY!

First Thanks for getting some info out to help people get their meds easy. The stuff does work very well. The Lightning In A Bottle 50mg THC sublingual drops I learned how to make have literally CHANGED my life. Went from 10+ bong hits to not vomit in the morning to one drop and drive 100 miles and go to shops and drive back 100 miles. All on the same drop. Yeh buddy! That said,,,,,

This type of laim half info is what causes the explosions.

"5. Press down hard, waiting about 30 seconds or so for the Butane to flow out the bottom of the Extractor.

6. Feel like Bill Nye the Science Guy with your safety goggles on and the superkewl clouds of vapor rising about you!"

This is exactly the type of BHOTARD that blows the wall off his apartment building, hotel room,

and then you have " So you want to get in and out of there as quickly as possible. The basic concept is a thick plastic tube with a tiny hole at one end and a perforated cap with a filter at the other. There's a nifty little video on their website on how to use their device, safety precautions you should take while making oil ( wear goggles, no baggy clothes, don't smoke, use ventilation) and trippy techno beats. "

No mention of how MUCH ventilation is needed. No explanation on why the baggy clothes = sparks from static electricity (you may mention ny;lon is especially bad.) and then those "techno beats" which is another yet source for spark ignition sooooooo,

Get your info here =


the safety factor is LOST! PLEASE MAKE THE SAFETY PART MORE IMPORTANT! Lil Details like USE plastic bladed fans pushing the fumes away is the least you could do. Especially when you are telling this stuff to potentially completely unaware sick people.

Oregon Cannabis Pioneer Coalition

GameChanger Concentrates >> "

Friday, August 1 at 04:59 PM:
somebody wrote:
"Dosing medical cannabis is one of the most controversial and mysterious aspects of this modern herbal medication. Although the medical use of cannabis has been approved in 12 states, marijuana remains illegal for all uses under US federal law. Due to the extensive laws surrounding the federal prohibition, doctors are limited to recommending marijuana when it might provide relief for a certain patient suffering from a certain ailment, but physicians are not allowed to actually prescribe medical marijuana. Thus, while a doctor may specify that the health benefits of using marijuana outweigh the risks, the management of a patient's use of cannabis, including dosing, is not allowed by law. - "

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 08:23 AM:
i wrote:
" When the DEA announced the commencement of "Operation Shattered"¯ on July 22, 2014, the enforcement agency had eight people on its list to indict. The names on the list were cited for manufacturing a controlled substance out of their homes using open-blasting techniques to create butane hash oil (BHO). Citing recent explosions from hash oil making operations in Washington, representatives from the U.S. Attorney"™s Office made it clear they were going to go after those they found breaking the law:

"Manufacturing hash oil is illegal and poses a significant risk to families, neighbors, and the general public,"¯ U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan announced in a statement released from the Department of Justice. At 4:00 AM yesterday, the feds widened that net when King County Law Enforcement officers raided the home of Debbie Brechler and Josh Mauk, the owners of Home Blown Concentrates -

While the company may be situated in the couples residence, the pair uses a closed loop system and does all of their blasting in an outdoor setting. These conditions should seemingly satisfy the requirements for safely manufacturing BHO. But Washington law appears clear: "Home-based manufacturing of THC remains illegal under state law, even with the passage of Initiative 502,"¯ according to Mark Lindquist, Pierce County Prosecutor, in the same DOJ release.

The charges brought against Brechler and Mauk include reckless endangerment. According to the warrant served, arrests were also made on suspicion of manufacturing of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of a firearm. While they acknowledge their child was in the home, the owners maintain their operations were conducted safely outside and in no way endangered their child. - "

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 12:16 AM:
Mtrollo from Here wrote:
" I invented hash oil. My method was to use fresh shaken Afgani pollen, and slowly distill it, saving the alcohol for another batch. Zahir Shah, the last king of Afghanistan and I poured it on some fresh pressed one night. We were on his fathers tomb under a full moon. Ah, memories. I any event, honey oil, schmuney oil. You don't know. "

Monday, November 11, 2013 at 01:31 PM:
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" THE BEST WAY TO PRODUCE CANNABIS OIL - Source: IACM - What is Cannabis oil? | Concentrated cannabis extracts, also known as Cannabis oils because of their sticky and viscous appearance, are increasingly mentioned by self-medicating patients as a cure for cancer. In general, preparation methods for Cannabis oil are relatively simple and do not require particular instruments. The purpose of the extraction, often followed by a solvent evaporation step, is to make cannabinoids and other beneficial components such as terpenes available in a highly concentrated form. Cannabis oil is usually taken orally, by ingesting a small number of drops several times a day. "

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