How To Get Your Card in Oregon, USA. How To Get Your Card elsewhere in the USA, and around the World, also.

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Information about Cannabis and Asthma Asthma
Information about Cannabis and Autism Autism
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Information about Cannabis and Cancer Cancer
Information about Cannabis and Cachexia Cachexia
Information about Cannabis and Crohns Crohns
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Information about Cannabis and Depression Depression
Information about Cannabis and Diabetes Diabetes
Information about Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma ( DIPG )  DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)
Information about Cannabis and Epilepsy Epilepsy
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Information about Cannabis and Glaucoma Glaucoma
Information about Cannabis and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  Information about Cannabis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
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Information about Cannabis and Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis
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Information about Cannabis and Pregnancy Pregnancy
Information about Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Information about Cannabis and Seizures Seizures
Information about Cannabis and Spasms Spasms
Information about Cannabis and Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Information about Cannabis and Tourettes Tourettes Syndrome

Information about CannaButter CannaButter - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Tea Canna-Tea - Tea, a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Ticture Ticture - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Canasol Canasol - a cannabis-based medicine
Information about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - Rick Simpson Oil
Information about Golden, Honey Oil (GHO) - Golden, Honey Oil
Information about Cannabis and Tar (Resin) Tar (Resin)

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Welcome to the Links page for MERCY - the Medical Cannabis Resource Center.   

For Sources, like News and other Media and Resources - organizations, services and functional information - you can use. Whether Medical Cannabis specific, a viable item for the public at large, or just a good idea. Such as . . .

I Love Growing Marijuana - HOW TO GROW MARIJUANA;  grow guides, seeds and experts I Love Growing Marijuana - HOW TO GROW MARIJUANA;  grow guides, seeds and experts I Love Growing Marijuana: HOW TO GROW MARIJUANA | Marijuana grow guides, seeds and experts: How can we help you grow today? Latest blog articles: Marijuana News, General, Grow journals, Pictures, Strains, Recipes, Videos, plus ... Learn more >> Visit -

Cannabis (Marijuana) is a popular drug that is obtained from Indian Hemp Plants Cannabis Marijuana: Cannabis (Marijuana) is a popular drug that is obtained from Indian Hemp Plants like Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. The common names given to the drug are grass, pot, hash, weed, mull, ganja, cones, smoke and hooch. Learn more >> Visit -

María Juana, a Spanish-speaking & oriented blog spot María Juana, a Spanish-speaking & oriented blog spot. | With items such as - Bill 7258: DESPENALIZATION ... Uruguay: Uruguay urges project ... Medicinal Cannabis Argentina: Critical to the "Line Down" on cannabis. ... and more. Visit -

The Pencil Method, an Online Magazine The Pencil Method, an Online Magazine {NGO, Intl}  | The Pencil Method, an Online Magazine This online magazine was established with the purpose of providing useful information to supporters the medical marijuana revolution. Updates are made constantly, and what you read here will not be the same as what you see everywhere else, it is the real deal, not some fake mainstream attempt to represent the medical marijuana cause. Hopefully you’ll be entertained at the same time. We are here for the rookie and experienced grower a like. ... visit -

The Freedom Union & Cannabis Revolution (FUCR) The Freedom Union & Cannabis Revolution (FUCR) {ORG, Action, Natl}  | The Freedom Union & Cannabis Revolution (FUCR) Join The Revolution and help spread true freedom. The Freedom Union & Cannabis Revolution is here to fight prohibition, fight for free will and Help make positive change. We aim to destroy ignorance and find ways to take action. Please link to us and join the Family. knowledge is the beginning ... visit - (ORG, Action, Natl )   America's Marijuana Legalization Opinion Blog - Find the Latest Updates and Opinions from Community Leaders. | Who We Are - Our mission at 420 Petition is to educate the general public about the medical benefits of cannabis, as well as to eliminate the misconception that marijuana is a societal evil. Our goal with 420 Petition is to gather an unbiased survey of people's true feelings on marijuana, and to gather that information to assist us in working with the government to effect new policies on marijuana. How it Works - is a simple concept. You cast your anonymous vote and tell us what state you live in. Based on those responses, we create a social graph of how Americans feel in general on the topic, and how individual states feel. With the information we gather, we assist our partners - government lobbyists, politicians, and medical marijuana petitioners - in their quest to ensure that the people's voice is heard. Visit - (Biz, Medical Cannabis, Natl )   | Search or Browse for Doctors, Select a state to browse medical marijuana doctors in that region. - Search or Browse for Doctors Get a Medical Marijuana Card from Certified Marijuana Doctors, ONLY 4 EASY STEPS TO GETTING YOUR MEDICAL MARIJUANA RECOMMENDATION. | About Marijuana Doctors - was founded to act as the trusted gateway for patients searching for medical marijuana treatment in legal medical marijuana states. We provide patients visibility and transparency in selecting a doctor and setting an appointment for a medical marijuana evaluation including detailed profile information, scheduling information, and ratings and reviews. We understand the uncertainty associated with the process and that medical marijuana is often the only effective treatment for many ailments that traditional medicine provides little relief or is accompanied by uncomfortable and dangerous side effects. Doctors, Connect with 1000's of Patients One Simple $99/mo Fee & Everything Else is FREE! At, we've created a straightforward pricing model for doctors. You only pay $99/mo per listing to receive all of the following benefits: Practice Listing & Profile - Your Listing in our Doctor Directory, with a Search Engine Optimized Practice Profile, Patient Ratings and Reviews, and more; Prequalified Leads - Unlimited Highly Qualified Patient Referrals, via our Unique State-Specific Pre-Qualification Survey and Booking Engine; Recommendation Letter Generator - Unlimited Auto Generated State-Specific Recommendation Letters (FREE with your membership).*; Automated Verification System - Unlimited 24/7 Automated Patient Verification Services (FREE with your membership)* * Making contact - mailto: MD MCN Co., Inc., 1111 Lincoln Road, Suite 325, Miami Beach, FL 33139 * Phone: (888) 392-9772 -or- Visit - (Biz, Medical Cannabis, Natl )   | Search or Browse for Dispensaries. - Search or Browse for Dispensaries Search Location Names, and addresses by typing in a name above, results will be displayed ... Medical Marijuana Resource Map Advertise and Get Listed Marijuana Community Classifieds News Crop Insurance Dispensary Marketing Start a Marijuana Business Contact:, 137 N Larchmont Ave #427, Los Angeles, CA 90004 * call the Help & Support Center: 786-522-9793 * or CLICK HERE to sign up! >

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Marijuana Library links section ... in the Marijuana Library links section, see - (

Whats Yours? Got a Link? Or info on one on this Page? Let everybody know. See our NotePad and FeedBack widgets. Link with us today!

  Medical Cannabis links - Organizations and other Resources, Oregon State  

Oregon State Medical Marijuana program Oregon State Medical Marijuana program (OMMp).   The state agency charged with running OMMA - the Oregon Medical Marijauna Act. Contact them in order to to get and fill out the Application for Registration in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act Program. (ORG, gov)   Contact info: Oregon Health Division (OHD) * 800 NE Oregon St., Portland, OR 97232 * Call (971) 673-1226 and ask a representative of the Oregon Health Division for an OMMA application packet - or - write to OHD, P.O. Box 14450, Portland, OR 97293-0450 and they'll send you one. Or visit their site:
and download forms from there.

Oregon Medical Marijuana Act Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA) webpage, by Rick Bayer, MD. A guide to OMMA and medical cannabis in general. (Lnk) visit:

For more linkage, you can go to the Marijuana Library Medical Links page at:

  - Advocates & Business; Info and Help - local Medical Cannabis links & orgs  

American Alliance for Medical Cannabis American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC).   Medical Cannabis research. Also functions as a Patient advocacy and support organization. (ORG, adv)   Contact info: AAMC Oregon * P.O. Box 47, Arch Cape, OR 97102-0047 * or visit:

Contigo-Conmigo Contigo-Conmigo.   "With you-with me" functions as an educational & advocacy organization for nurses, M.D.s, and other medical professionals, as well as the general public. (ORG, adv)   Contact info: 39234 Hwy 99W, Monmouth, Oregon 97361 * or visit their website at: ... Where you'll find many fine features such as the Oregon Medical Marijuana Guide, a guide to OMMA and medical cannabis in general.

Eugene Compassion Center Eugene Compassion Center.   Functions as a Patient advocacy and support organization. (ORG, adv, +!) Doctor clinics and other patient resources.   to Contact visit:

MAMA - Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse I got my card! Now what?.   This is the most frequently-asked question by new cardholders on the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP). (ORG, adv, +!) This site is designed to assist patients with information on obtaining quality medicine by way of becoming a grower or finding a responsible caregiver. We will also assist caregivers and growsite operators with their needs and share our knowledge in all aspects of growing and adhering to the rules of the OMMP. is a vehicle for patients, caregivers and growsite-operators to make the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program function as it is presently written into Oregon statute. We are not here to discuss cannabis politics, methods of activism or pursue ideas for altering the program. We are not here to advertise or bash other medical marijuana organizations. visit:

MAMA - Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (MAMA).   Local Patient advocacy as well as national Drug Policy Reform. (ORG, adv, +!)   Join MAMA today!   Contact info: Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse * 2255 State Road, Mosier, OR 97040 * phone or fax 541-298-1031 * eMail: * or visit:

Miss MaryJanes Miss MaryJane's.   A new small business geared towards the medical cannabis patient. (BIZ, Horticulture) They sell a phytoestrogen based Seed Feminizing Solution and Hermie Preventor.   They also have an expanding line of How-To videos. The two titles that we have now are: (1) Cloning: A Step By Step Guide, and (2) Cooking With Cannabis: The basics of butter, oil, water and hash oil.   These are available in both DVD and VHS format and are geared for the newbie.   The steps are clear and easy to follow for people who often have cognitive impairment due to prescribed medications, their condition, and/or a combination of both.   These are also priced with the average medical patient's income in mind, as well.   Contact info: eMail: * or visit:

Oregon Green Free Oregon Green Free (OGF).   a group of concerned citizens and cardholders that have come together to help others that are in need. (ORG, adv) They can help you with everything from information on who qualifies for the OMMP, to showing you how to set up your own grow room. On their website you will find lots of pages with this kind of information and related links to all the relevent sites. If you have any questions about medical marijuana you can email them thru their site or give them a call. Better yet, join their Forum at: and PM them there. It is a great place for you to learn about medical marijuana, from its benefits as a medicine, to which plant is best for your ailment, and how best to grow it.   Contact info: 503.760-2671 * or visit:

The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation.   Advocates & Activists for Medical Cannabis, cannabis media, leaders in the OCTA campaigns. (ORG, adv, +!) Doctor clinics and other patient resources.   Contact info: 4259 NE Broadway St. (Hollywood dist), Portland, OR 97213 - call for an appointment: 503.235-4606 - or visit:

Voter Power Voter Power.   Advocates & Activists for Medical Cannabis and Voter Empowerment in general, leaders in the OMMA and OMMA/2 campaigns. (ORG, adv, +!) Doctor clinics and other patient resources.   For most recent Contact info visit:

  Local, National & International Medical Cannabis forums, blogs, chat-rooms & Bulletin Boards  

visit if you think Marijuana should be used in medicine * (Blog)  Give real life examples of how Medical Marijuana has helped or hindered someone you know.   They would especially like to hear your thoughts if you have personally used Medical Marijuana and you can post anonymously.   Their website is - Dedicated to Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation and Education - Dedicated to Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation and Education > The Farmacy > The Medical Garden > Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference List, as of Jan.2010 | We suggest linking through this forum - - It is the current 2010 list at a good MMJ site. We've also attached an MS-WORD copy of the list, which is about 150 pages of links to MMJ studies and articles. We also have it in PDF, if you prefer that format. Courtesy of Granny Storm Crow, click > here < for her story.

The Stone Soup Groups are organizing at Cannabis Compassion | Granny from wrote:
"The Stone Soup Groups are organizing at Cannabis Compassion at Each state that has legalized medical cannabis has a section to network amongst themselves, as well as access to growing, cooking, and use of cannabis information, and discussion forums posted here. We think you will find us to be a good group promoting self-sufficiency in growing our own medicine. So far we have developed a California and Colorado Stone Soup Group, and are looking for leaders from Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada, Montana, New Mexico, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Maryland and Michigan to participate in these Grassroots building of the MMJ Stone Soup Groups. If you are a leader and have the deepest of compassion for your fellow MMJ patients join us, and let's make Soup. To become a member just register with us and show us your desire to lead in The Stone Soup Group in your State.

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Information about Medical Cannabis in the United States of America MERCY in America; Medical Cannabis in the USA
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Kentucky Kentucky
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Louisiana Louisiana
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Maine Maine
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Maryland Maryland
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Michigan Michigan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Minnesota Minnesota
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Mississippi Mississippi
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Missouri Missouri
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Montana Montana
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Nebraska Nebraska
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Nevada Nevada
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Hampshire New Hampshire
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Jersey New Jersey
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Oregon Oregon
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Rhode Island Rhode Island
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South Carolina South Carolina
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South Dakota South Dakota
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Tennessee Tennessee
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Vermont Vermont
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Virginia Virginia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Washington State Washington State
  Information about Medical Cannabis in West Virginia West Virginia
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Information about Medical Cannabis around the World The World of MERCY; Medical Cannabis around the Globe

Information about Medical Cannabis in Africa Africa
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Information about Medical Cannabis in Caribbean Caribbean
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Information about Medical Cannabis in Europe Europe
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in  the United Kingdom (UK) United Kingdom (UK)
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Information about Medical Cannabis in Latin America Latin America
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Information about Medical Cannabis in North America North America
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Information about Medical Cannabis in the Pacific (Oceania, Rim) the Pacific (Oceania, Rim)
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  RESOURCEs; Classified Ads  

Classifieds, cannabis (both as a resource and example. See Disclaimers ! ... )

Cannabis Classifieds Buy Cannabis.  Welcome to the Cannabis Classifieds. Looking to buy cannabis today? Cannabis is socially acceptable and is now legal for medical purposes and available worldwide in countries like Canada and many others. Here you will find hundreds of medical cannabis advertisements to help find and buy cannabis online or buy cannabis for medical reasons in your area. You can query the world where to buy cannabis and hashish hook ups anywhere in the world where legal. Buy medical cannabis and alternatives online as you discover many 420 people just like yourself. Any legal adult can place a legal medical ad for free and the Ads run for as long as you want. Cannabis Classifieds is not responsible for any advertisements and urges no one to do anything illegal. Come back often for updates. Visit:

Cannabis Classifieds Personal Ads Cannabis Classifieds Personal Ads.  Personals (networking, xchg info. Help. {Orgs}) Welcome to the Cannabis Classifieds Personal Ads. Find like minded 420 people to share experiences and hang out with. Any adult can place an ad for free, 420 medical cannabis adults only. Try to weed out the bogus ads and let them know. Personal medical cannabis ads run for as long as you want. Cannabis Classifieds is not responsible for any advertisements and urges no one to do anything illegal. Come back often for cannabis updates. Visit:

Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads.  Want Ads (buy, sell, trade. Grow stuff & persl svc/s. {Biz}) Welcome to the Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads, Buy Cannabis and Find Cannabis here. To buy cannabis for medical purposes is legal in many areas, the purpose of this site is to help people buy legal medical cannabis from their area. Here you will find hundreds of medical people who want to buy cannabis in an advertisement. Any adult can place a "medical" want to buy cannabis ad for free. Medical cannabis want ads only and they run for as long as you want. Cannabis Classifieds is not responsible for any advertisements and urges no one to do anything illegal.

Disclaimer: To buy cannabis is LEGAL in some areas, verify the laws effecting you. At some level, Cannabis for sale can be found in pretty well every corner of the world. Some will not post cannabis for sale advertisements, but try to help you obtain medical cannabis, legally. Due to overwhelming response, 500 medical buy cannabis want ads (only) will be rotated. Come back often for buy cannabis updates. Visit:

  National Medical Cannabis Organizations & Biz  

Americans for Safe Access Americans for Safe Access (ASA) .   is an aggressive grassroots campaign working to push the Bush administration off its anti-medical marijuana crusade and allow states the right to choose and govern medical marijuana laws. (ORG, Med Can, Natl {Calif})   They serve as a catalyst for committed grassroots activists to work effectively with drug policy reform groups and supportive local officials, and to unify medical marijuana advocates, patients, and caregivers around a focused national strategy.   They aim to draw national attention to the struggle and build a nationwide network of local activists committed to pushing back destructive DEA policies through action.   ASA’s stand on federal interference with medical marijuana state laws is one of zero-tolerance.   ASA uses a variety of tactics including citizen lobbying, community outreach, phone-in days, petition drives, public protest, media events and nonviolent direct action in order to raise awareness and demand political change.   Contact info: 1678 Shattuck Ave. #317, Berkeley, CA 94709 USA * Phone: 510-486-8083 * Fax: 510-486-8090 * or visit:

Patients Out of Time Patients Out of Time * Patients Out of Time is a national non-profit based in Virginia. It's mission is to educate and lobby professional health care organizations about medical Cannabis. (ORG, Med Can, Natl {Virginia})   It is comprised of health care professionals with expertise in the clinical administration of Cannabis and other experts in related areas such as history, the laws concerning Cannabis, nutrition of hemp products etc. It's leadership includes six of the eight patients in the US that receive their Cannabis medicine from the US federal government (two wish to remain anonymous).  Features: News, Commentary, Press Releases.   Visit:

Coalition for Medical Cannabis Coalition for Medical Cannabis. Stop The Federal Assault On Patients And Providers! (ORG, Action/link)   The US Justice Department is pressing forward with an aggressive campaign to prosecute medical marijuana offenders in defiance of California's medical marijuana law (Prop 215) and efforts by local officials to support legal medicine for patients.   Targets have included prominent medical marijuana patients groups, caregivers, and individual patients attempting to grow medicine for themselves.   Among them have been highly regarded patients' groups such as the Los Angeles Cannabis Resource Center and Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM) in Santa Cruz, which supplied medicine to seriously and terminally ill patients with full support from local officials.   Meanwhile in San Diego, patient Steve McWilliams, who uses marijuana to control severe chronic pain, will shortly be facing prosecution for cultivating a caregiver garden for himself and other seriously ill patients.  

Since Sept. 11, 2001, the government has prosecuted more persons for medical marijuana than terrorism in California (according to a survey of cases by California NORML, on the web at:   A growing number have been sentenced to federal prison for growing marijuana in accordance with what they believed to be the law.   Speak out!  Make your voice heard on this important issue.  John Ashcroft's Justice Dept. is forcing hundreds of seriously ill patients in California to turn to the streets and illegal market in order to obtain their medicine, while providers face long prison terms for their compassion.  Contact your Congressperson and let them know how you want an end to the Federal assault on medical marijuana.

The Coalition for Medical Cannabis includes:   American Alliance for Medical Cannabis, Americans for Safe Access, Angel Wings Patient OutReach, Inc., California NORML, CannabisMD, Cannabis Action Network, Cannabis Consumers Campaign, Change The Climate, DRCNet, Drug Policy Alliance, DrugSense, Green Aid, Human Rights in the Drug War, Patients Out of Time, Safe Access, and is organized by CSDP, Common Sense for Drug Policy.   Contact info: See for more information about the reform reaction to the federal onslaught.  One of the more recent targets is ...

Ed Rosenthal gro information and action item Ed Rosenthal, noted marijuana author and activist.   (ACTN, Grow Info) Ed was found guilty in US District Court in San Francisco of cultivating marijuana.   After the trial, jurors were angered to discover that Ed had been growing that marijuana for Bay Area patients' groups and had been deputized by the City of Oakland to do so -- information which had been withheld from them at the request of the US Attorney.  For more details on this visit:

"For my entire family, thank you all for your support."
-- Ed Rosenthal

  To order Rosenthal's amazing grow books and his newest book about making powerful hashish and other concentrated pot products, go to:

Tardive Dyskinesia Center the Tardive Dyskinesia & Reglan Center (   provides educational information on tardive dyskinesia, a movement disorder caused by the medication Reglan. Currently scientific evidence has indicated that marijuana (cannabis) has great potential to help patients manage symptoms. (ORG, Med, Natl )   Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) is a result of damage to the bodily systems that process dopamine, and is typically caused by exposure to certain neurological medications - including Reglan. The symptoms of TD, which are irreversible and incurable, mimic those of Parkinson's disease. Tardive Dyskinesia victims suffer from involuntary, repetitive movements which often continue after the drug is no longer used. some patients do report that their use of marijuana relieves their symptoms. They feature the most up-to-date information on TD, its causes and all known treatment options. Additionally, they distribute free support books and informational packets to their users.

The best treatment is prevention; right now they are in the midst of a public outreach, attempting to educate families on the dangers of Reglan. Some studies have shown cannabis to be useful in helping patients manage the symptoms of tardive dyskinesia. And, with your help, we can educate the public about the dangers of Reglan.   Contact info: Tardive Dyskinesia Center * Phone: 800-584-6601 or visit:

more USA links More USA links at: our USA page

  International Medical Cannabis Organizations & Biz  

Cannabis Medicine Internationale Cannabis Medicine Internationale (IACM).   A scientific society advocating the improvement of the legal situation for the use of the hemp plant and its pharmacologically most important active compounds, through promotion of research and dissemination of information. (ORG, adv)   Contact info: Arnimstrasse 1A, 50825 Cologne, Germany * Phone: +49-221-9543 9229 * Fax: +49-221-1300591 * E-mail: * or visit:

more Canada links More International links at: our Global page

Cannabis in Canada Cannabis in Canada.   Canadian protest and activist site. (ORG, Med. Can.)   * Niagra Compassion Society, discussion and action group. * visit:

more Canada links More Canada links at: /links/Canada.html

  Medical Cannabis Business and related Resources  

More Medical Cannabis Business and related Resources More Medical Cannabis Business and related Resources at: our Bizness page. More United Kingdom (UK) related Resources at: /links/England.html

GW Pharmaceuticals Inc. GW Pharmaceuticals Inc..   A pharmaceutical company developing a portfolio of prescription medicines derived from cannabis to meet patient needs in a wide range of therapeutic indications. (BIZ, Mfg.)   Contact info: Porton Down Science Park, Salisbury, Wilts, SP4 0JQ, United Kingdom * Tel: 01980 557000 * Fax: 01980 557111 * Email: * or visit:

Pen Vaporizers Pen Vaporizers |   Pen vaporizers are designed to be small, portable and handheld vaporizers. (BIZ, Mfg.) These types of vaporizers can be taken anywhere you desire but require charging and batteries.   | Learn more >>

  Grow Information and related Resources  

Seeds - (BIZ, Cannabis, Intl )   | The hard work of countless cannabis activists over the recent years have led to an upsurge in laws legalizing marijuana for medical use. And with this, cannabis smokers have seen dispensaries and growers take breeding to the next level; now without legal boundaries, medical growers are free to experiment and breed with the most potent, highest THC & CBD concentration bud out there. Our medical CBD Critical Mass, Jack La Mota, Sour Diesel, and CBD Skunkhaze are just some of the intensely medicating cannabis seeds in our medical cannabis seeds selection. Pick a CBD strain for intense body medication and therapeutic effects, or go for a sativa if you’re simply after a seed with clinical-strength punch. The choice is yours.

Seeds - Feminised Seeds (BIZ, Cannabis, Intl {UK} )   | Did You Call for a Feminised Seeds Expert? With 15 years of underground research and development behind them, the fine ladies and gentlemen of Feminised Seeds have finally brought their astonishing genetics out into the world for all to marvel at. They specialise in: The Highest Quality Genetics 99.9% Feminized Seeds Exclusive Seeds Strains -

Seeds - Here at The Single Seed Centre we pride ourselves on being the first choice for delighted customers across the globe. Why do people keep returning to buy our high-quality cannabis seeds? Simply because we have the largest range available on any website in the world! As connoisseurs of marijuana seeds we consistently source the highest-quality strains available. Ordering from our online store is a pleasure. Simply choose your preferred marijuana seeds, order safely and await the discreet, rapid delivery. You'll also receive bonus free seeds with every order! -

Marijuana Seeds Links page Marijuana Seeds Links page.   Green Man's Page - Marijuana Seeds Search Engine and Free Marijuana Grow Guide Library. You can add the Green Man's Garden Search Box to your site. Visit:

  LINKs - General cannabis  

Cannabis Culture Links page Cannabis Culture Links page.   For an America that will inspire the world once more. Research in cosmology, biodiversity and gender. Nothing funny about the War on Pot. The marijuana legalization wing of the NDP. And lots more! Visit: Cannabis Related Links page Cannabis Related Links page.   Visit:

Quad City Hemp Coalition Links page Quad City Hemp Coalition (QC HEMP) Links page.   Visit:>

 Cannabis/Hemp INFO and Links page Cannabis/Hemp INFO and Links page.   Visit:

  Cannabis Law Reform, (Advocates; Info and Help) local  

Oregon NORML Oregon NORML * PO Box 16057, Portland, OR 97292 * Phone: (503) 239-6110 * E-mail: * Web Site:

OR NORML - Eastside OR NORML - Eastside * PO Box 451, Long Creek, OR 97856 * Phone: (541) 620-0768 * Contact: Wendy Verstoppen, Email:

Southern Oregon NORML Southern Oregon NORML * 332 W. 6th Ave., Medford, OR 97501 * Phone: 541-779-1448 * Web Site:

Willamette Valley NORML Willamette Valley NORML * PO BOX 10957, Eugene, Ore. 97440 * Phone: 541.517-0957 * Web Site:

  Cannabis Law Reform, national & international ...  

NORML NORML the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Oldest & biggest. (ORG, rfm)   Contact: 1600 K Street, NW, Suite 501, Washington, DC 20006-2832 * Phone: (202) 483-5500 * Fax: (202) 483-0057 * Email National NORML at: * Email The NORML Foundation: * Media Requests: * Chapter Inquiries: * Membership/Donation Questions: * Product Questions: * or visit:

Drug Policy Alliance Drug Policy Alliance (DPA).   Is the nation's leading organization working to end the war on drugs and promote new drug policies based on science, compassion, health and human rights. (ORG, rfm)   Contact: D.P.A., 925 15th Street NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20005 * phone: (202) 216-0035 * fax: (202) 216-0803 * or visit:

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP).   Is made up of current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition. (ORG, rfm)   Contact: Jack A. Cole, Executive Director at 781-393-6985 -or: * mail to: LEAP, Educational Fund, 27 Austin Road, Medford, MA 02155 * or visit:

Marijuana Policy Project Marijuana Policy Project (MPP).   Works to minimize the harm associated with marijuana - - both the consumption of marijuana, and the laws that are intended to prohibit such use. To this end, MPP focuses on removing criminal penalties for marijuana use, with a particular emphasis on making marijuana medically available to seriously ill people who have the approval of their doctors. (ORG, rfm)   Contact: MPP Foundation, P.O Box 77492, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC 20013 * Fax: 202-232-0442 * or visit:

Students for Sensible Drug Policy Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP).   Is a non-violent youth oriented organization that neither encourages nor condemns drug use. Rather, they seek to reduce the harms caused by drug abuse and drug policies. (ORG, rfm)   Contact: 1623 Connecticut Ave., NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC, 20009 * Phone: 202-293-4414 * Fax: 202-293-8344 * email: * or visit:

Teachers Against Prohibition Teachers Against Prohibition (TAP).   Is current and former members of the education community who support drug regulation rather than prohibition. Objectives include - 1. Abolishing the HEA amendment, 2. Seeking alternatives to D.A.R.E. in our schools, 3. Eliminating student drug testing of any sort within our schools. (ORG, rfm)   Contact: Adam Jones at: -or- Richard Lake, Escanaba, MI * (906) 789-1093 * email: * or visit:

  Media links  

The TIME 4 HEMP The TIME 4 HEMP.   MUSIC PotCast features world-class artists who raise the voice of the Marijuana Movement along with a few short interviews - this show is a whole lot of rockin' with very little talkin'. Also features lots of interviews with hard working marijuana activists from all around the world and is mostly a whole lot of talkin' with a little bit of rockin'. .Be sure tune into the THE TIME 4 HEMP LIVE broadcast can be heard every Monday - Friday, Noon - 1:00 p.m (CST) on All of the programming found at TIME 4 HEMP is free to the public and is intended to be used to help educate the world about how wonderful the plant, Cannabis, really is! Making contact - TIME 4 HEMP can be found on: FaceBook Tweet Time 4 Hemp on Twitter ... and You can reach Time 4 Hemp By phone: 317.489.9257 * By e-mail: * or visiting -

Alternatives Magazine Alternatives Magazine.   Alternatives works (and plays) with the ideals and activism of our emerging culture and provides a forum to express and/or locate the holistic ideas, goods and services that support a life well lived.   ALTERNATIVES is published quarterly, March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.   It is distributed free of charge everywhere you'd expect it to be as well as on the world wide web. Deadlines to submit ads for our are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.   Alternatives . . . subverting the dominant paradigm one relationship at a time. (BIZ, Media {Print), magazine)   for Contact: visit:

Drug War Facts Drug War Facts (   The drug war lies on a foundation of myth.  Learn the truth.  Spread it, too. (ORG, adv)   Get the facts about medical marijuana, prisons, drug treatment, syringe exchange, and more. is your premier information source, offering uptodate information with full citations to aid in further research.   Individual sections as well as full edition available electronically at:

Media Awareness Project Media Awareness Project (MAPinc).   DrugSense and its largest project MAP combine to to provide accurate information relevant to drug policy in order to heighten awareness of the extreme damage being caused to our nation and the world by our current flawed and failed "War on Drugs." (ORG, adv)   Contact: Mark Greer, DrugSense * 14252 Culver Drive #328, Irvine, CA, 92604-0326 * (800) 266-5759 * email: * or visit:

Reefer Madness, the movie, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Reefer Madness.   From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | This article is about the 1936 film. Directed by Louis Gasnier, Produced by Dwain Esper, Written by Paul Franklin, Starring Dorothy Short, Kenneth Craig, Lillian Miles, Dave O'Brien, Thelma White, Warren McCollum, Carleton Young and Distributed by Motion Picture Ventures, New Line Cinema (rerelease), original Release date(s) January 15, 1936 Running time 68 min. Country United States Language English Budget $100,000

Reefer Madness (aka Tell Your Children) is a 1936 American exploitation film revolving around the tragic events that ensue when high school students are lured by pushers to try "marihuana": a hit and run accident, manslaughter, suicide, rape, and descent into madness all ensue. The film was directed by Louis Gasnier and starred a cast composed of mostly unknown bit actors. It was originally financed by a church group and made under the title Tell Your Children.[1][2] The film was intended to be shown to parents as a morality tale attempting to teach them about the dangers of cannabis use.[1] However, soon after the film was shot, it was purchased by producer Dwain Esper, who re-cut the film for distribution on the exploitation film circuit.[1] The film did not gain an audience until it was rediscovered in the 1970s and gained new life as a piece of unintentional comedy among cannabis smokers.[1][3] Today, it is in the public domain in the United States and is considered a cult film.[3] It inspired a musical satire, which premiered off-Broadway in 2001, and a Showtime film, Reefer Madness, based on the musical.  Visit:

THE ANTIQUE CANNABIS BOOK THE ANTIQUE CANNABIS BOOK.   (INF)   | With Over 600 2,000 Pre-1937 Medical Cannabis Products Documented; --- a Great Resource book for the Antique Cannabis Collector  Visit:

Reefer Madness Era Collectables & Lore Reefer Madness Era Collectables & Lore.   (INF)   | With numerous indexes for Magazines, Pulp Fiction Books, Old Radio Programs, Films, Comic books, Governmental Pamphlets etc. A Great Resource and Collectors Guide to Reefer Madness Era Lore and Collectables.  Visit: The Online Reefer Madness Teaching Museum.Org An Online History Museum Of Reefer Madness Propaganda Dating Back To The Mid 1800's & The Lies That Were Told To Us. Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years Bibliography The History of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 - Send Some Kind Bud!   Serving marijuana lovers since April 20, 2008. (INF)   Send Some Kind Bud!  Visit:

  ORGANIZATIONs, General - National and International Section 

United States - Resource, NGO; local - Grants For Single Mothers Grants For Single Mothers | Single Mom Financial Aid, Scholarship Resources, Food and Housing Programs, Parenting Advice, and more. Visit -

  Educational links  

Link, Educational, Science projects for kids Science projects for kids:- Science projects and science experiments for kid's grades 1 to 8 that is safe and fun to do.   Various e-books range containing full step by step instructions. 

  Legal links  

Link, Legal, Product Liability Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Houston .     Medical Malpractice Lawyers | McIver Brown is a dedicated and experienced health care law firm, representing clients injured or killed in cases involving hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, nurses, and other health care facilities throughout the country.   Visit:

Link, Legal, Product Liability Product Liability .   (BIZ)   Practice includes product liability cases, wrongful death, medical malpractice, maritime accidents and car accidents.   Visit:

Link, Legal, Traffic Ticket NYTicketHELP   (BIZ)   can fight your NY Traffic Ticket for you. Visit our website for more information on New York State traffic tickets and a free no obligation consultation.   Visit:

Link, Legal, Auto Accident Attorney Auto Accident Attorney   (BIZ)   Friedland Law Group of Miami Florida accident attorneys. Our lawyers get top malpractice lawsuit settlements.   Visit:

  Health and Medical links  

Cerebral palsy - Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in childhood, with a child being born with CP every hour. Our goal is to raise awareness globally for cerebral palsy and other birth injuries. >> ( ) * Like us on Facebook ( ) * Follow us on Twitter ( ) - a prescription drug and medical device resource center designed to bring the latest information about research, side effects, warnings, recalls and legal action to the millions of people using these products each year. | is a prescription drug and medical device resource center designed to bring the latest information about research, side effects, warnings, recalls and legal action to the millions of people using these products each year. Our mission is to improve safety and patient rights through public awareness. >> visit -

Healthcare in India - Travel to India for World class Medical health care Healthcare in India | Travel to India for World class Medical health care at unbelievably low cost with The medical treatments we offer are based on patient requirements, competent doctors and world class Medical Facilities. >> visit -

grow hair longer product - Fast Shampoo by Nisim To grow hair longer and to grow hair fast you can simply purchase Fast Shampoo by Nisim.

hair removal product - Kalo Unlike other hair removal products, Kalo is a true hair inhibitor for permanent hair removal.

Acute Stress Disorder - Acute Stress Disorder | This site features articles and opinions from recognized trauma expert Dr. Brian Trappler. The articles provide in-depth analysis of psychological trauma as related to modern tragedies, terrorism and political events. Visit - (ORG, Med/Law, Natl )   This is a portfolio of websites focusing on asbestos exposure and the resulting health problems that exposure can cause. is their newest site and they wanted to reach out to check on the interest in using one of their pages as a resource for your online community.   Check out -

  • - Thousands of oncologist reviewed pages, hundreds of informative videos, and news section updated daily

  • - State specific resources, legal rights section, and free "Know Asbestos" newsletter sign-up

  • - Site with options for proactive involvement in the campaign to ban asbestos in the United States

They would love it if you could check out the sites and potentially have your webmaster provide a link for your users. In addition, they have a team of writers willing to create asbestos-related articles for your site. If would like to link to them, discuss a potential article, need additional information, please contact them letting them know.   Contact info: Colin McCrann * Phone: 781-489-2632 -or- e-mail:

Link, Medical, Natural Treatments Natural Treatments   |   Old home remedies are based on the premise of using the natural ingredients and constituents found in many spices, fruits, grasses and herbs to naturally treat foreign bodies, dangerous viruses and bacteria that are causing pain, inflammation, disease and damage to the body. Herbal remedies continue to increase in popularity. Visit: < for more.

Link, Medical, Physio Clinics Find Physio Clinics .   (BIZ)   Are you looking for a physio clinics in Canada? Then visit to locate physiotherapy clinics in British Columbia, Ontario and Nova Scotia.

Link, Medical, Raptiva Recall Raptiva Recall .   (BIZ), we’re committed to providing our readers with the latest news and information about defective and harmful drugs. We cover breaking news stories, offer tips for consumer safety, provide information on alternative therapies, and more. Visit: for details.

Link, Health, Care Medical Care .   (LINKs)   Recreation, Vehicles & Automotive, Research & Science, Finance & Banking, Companies & Business, Games & Play, Drink & Food, Tour & Travel, Teens & Kids, News & Media, Medical Care, Policies & Law, Health & Therapy, Society & Communities.   Click > < for more.

  Technical links  

Link, EU SERP, a Link Exchange Network  EU SERP, a Link Exchange Network   |   At you can find everything from beginner's guides to more advanced topics that will result in real traffic to your site as well. All of this is totally free of charge. SEO, bring your website among the first on Google, Yahoo! and Bing Visit:

Link, Technical, Guide to Computer Technician Training Schools Guide to Computer Technician Training Schools.   (NGO)   Computer Technician is the only nonprofit resource dedicated to providing individuals interested in becoming a computer technician with unbiased information about different degree and school options as well as career, job and salary information To that end, we provide an updated FAQ as well as the only comprehensive database of computer technician schools on the web. visit -

Link, Technical, Portable Stages - The Science Behind Staging Portable Stages - The Science Behind Staging .   (BIZ)   A stage is an integral part of any mass gathering. A wedding, a concert, a dance show and anything related to entertainment requires a stage. A bulky stage can be very difficult to move to another location. But a portable stage can be dismantled and moved to any desired location at a short notice. Durability of such stages might pop in. But the science of staging has advance to a great level and hence durability and style, both are taken care of in these new age stages. Visit for more.

Link, Technical, IT Support Computer Technician IT Services IT Support Computer Technician IT Services .   (BIZ)   A strategic provider of IT services is hard to find. The TechServicesGuide is a completely free service. We have the tools to help customers find the right tech provider for them. Visit for more.

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  NotePad section  
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Wednesday, December 13 at 07:25 AM:
Phytoextractum from Portland Oregon wrote:
" sells a wide variety of ethnobotanicals including Kratom, Kava, CBD, and others. "

Thursday, September 24 at 12:50 AM:
Thompson Paul from wrote:
" SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY We accept Cash On delivery around Kentucky and we also do ship to other states. Wickr: baronmeds Text +17273513812 Whatsapp: Plus 1 (seven seven four ) three two six four four Six two We have Cartridges like Exotic carts, Smart carts, Brass Knuckles and many others, Buy Pot, Buy Edibles, Buy Medical Marijuana, Buy THC Oils, Buy Cannabis, Buy Vapes Pen, Buy Canned Weed, Buy Hash. Free ( 100% Discrete ) delivery within USA and 48 hours delivery in other countries worldwide.&#8232; ..... refundable policy - NO ID OR MEDICAL CARD IS NEEDED -"

Tuesday, January 23 at 08:24 AM: from UK wrote:
"A link for the site- LIWTS is a cannabis news and reviews site. "

Thursday, January 18 at 01:27 PM:
Remind Mainz from United kingdom wrote:
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EUROS,DOLLARS AND POUNDS &#8232;Contact us for more information: Email ; WhatsApp : +44 7459781282 GLOBAL CURRENCIES &#8232;We are Professional IT technicians and we produce SUPER UNDETECTED COUNTERFEIT MONEY for all currencies. Our notes are industrially and professional produced. The security features included on the bills: -Passes pen test! -Microprint! -Red and Blue fibers! -75 % cotton 25% linen, same as real currency! -High Quality Print! -Correct colors! -Correct Seals! -Correct serial number font! -Holograms and Holographic Strips! -Micro-Lettering!&#8232;-Metallic Ink and Thread! -Watermarks! -IR Detection! -Ultra-violet features! -See through Features! -Different serial numbers! &#8232; These features make our bills to be 100% undetected,100% safe and secure to use in any of these areas: BANKS, CASINO, ATM, MONEY CHANGERS, STORES. They are 100% Undetected. Build trust in yourself when contacting me and don't tell me about your past experience when you were ripped off. I believe that any body who has even been ripped off because of counterfeit money buying went in for small amounts. Shipping is from Morocco. Shipping will take 3 to 5 days maximum. We give you tracking numbers too.&#8232;&#8232;Why would you buy from us?&#8232;Our banknotes contain the following security features that make it to be genius and we have the best grade counterfeit in the world. We have USD, Euro, GBP, CAD, AUD and any bills of your choice you want.&#8232;&#8232;Our banknotes are printed on 75 % cotton 25% linen, same as real currency. By using a special printing technique, several picture elements on the front of the banknote are identifiable by touch. The guidelines on detecting counterfeit currency give a comparison of genuine and falsified security features. I take pride in providing OUTSTANDING customer service, fast shipping, and some of the best stealth out there. If you ever have any problems with your order, please be sure to let me know, I will do everything in my power to correct it. I offer LOTS of different products, which will make your shopping experience as a whole, a lot easier! Why buy from five different vendors, when you can get everything you may want, from one!&#8232;&#8232;I am very active on the forums and have no issues answering every message, and assisting in any way possible.&#8232;&#8232;Stealth is one of my top priorities, I have been working on it for multiple years! Some of my products require the use of a decoy for optimal stealth!&#8232;&#8232;Just remember, I am here to make YOU happy, if you're not happy, I'm not happy! 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Monday, November 20 at 10:19 PM:
james warner from london uk wrote:
"Stem Cell Congress 2018 - Prague main objective of conferenc is to understand Stem cell technologies could be an international biotechnology that develops, manufactures and sells product and provides services that support tutorial and industrial scientists. The corporate makes a speciality of developing cell culture media, cell separation product, instruments and different reagents to be used in somatic cell, immunology, cancer, regenerative drugs and cellular medical care analysis. Please website:http://stemcellcongr "

Friday, August 18 at 04:16 AM:
mark daniel from conference series ltd wrote:
" Content: Euro Virology meet 2018 will be organized by conference series. This scientific event is consisting of structured scientific sessions which cover all the aspects of Viral diseases and virus research. For an outstanding global event, we are looking forward for constant support and encouragement of eminent personalities across the world. The conference will bring together an exciting balance of industry and academia, so that delegates have the unique opportunity to network with colleagues from different sectors and discuss new research in the field of virology including discussions. Virologists, Microbiologists, Academicians, Research Scholars, Professors, Medical Students, Practitioners, Clinical Researchers, Business Entrepreneurs, Software Developing Companies, Medical Devices Companies, Biomedical Companies, Biotechnology Companies, Data Management Companies and Other Healthcare Professionals with an interest in Virology. "

Wednesday, August 16 at 03:22 AM:
Craig Downey from Los Angeles, California wrote:
""Buy Weed Online - Are you depressed, suffering from cancer, glaucoma,headache, insomnia, joint pains, multiply sclerosis etc and need medical marijuana, marijuana edibles,wax, cannabis oil, legal weeds, hash oil, shatters, cbd oil to help ease your pain?? ""

Thursday, July 6 at 10:23 AM:
Florida CBD Oil from South Florida wrote:
"Hoping you all will check out the best <a href=" /pure-cbd-oil-for-sale">Pure CBD Oil</a> "

Thursday, July 6 at 10:18 AM:
Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors & Dispensaries from Stuart Florida wrote:
" We are currently connecting cannabis patients and doctors together statewide. Free for our visitors. e-cbd-oil-for-sale "

Saturday, June 24 at 01:06 PM:
John Monti from wrote:
"Please add Title - Vape Pens In the process, I've added you to "

Sunday, March 19 at 06:36 PM:
Stacey brook from Growers guide to cannabis wrote:
"Can we do a link exchange? My website is http://www.growersguidetocannabis.c om and my email is"

Wednesday, January 11 at 07:48 AM:
buds from indiana wrote:
" Medical marijauana available We are medical and recreational marijuana supplying cooperation and got the best of high graded products and outstanding services. We aim at the provision of high graded product to all our clients that are in need and also the establishment of a long term and trust worthy business relationship with all our clients. We are top legit and reliable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite, sleeping problem Nausea/vomiting,Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states, anxiety, nausea etc. visit our website at Website: Phone: +1 (720) 663-0527 E-Mail: "

Saturday, December 24 at 11:44 AM:
Andy from Los Angeles wrote:
"Does anyone have any first hand experience with marijuana affiliate programs? I'm building a site about them <a href=""></a> and would love to get your testimonial. I want to add some more programs but only have first hand experience with a few. Thanks for your help! "

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 11:45 AM:
the seeds depot from amsterdam wrote:
"there are places online to get seeds "

Saturday, June 11 at 02:35 AM:
Barry Wise from Oregon wrote:
"Would like to do link for link for my website please email me back on ASAP Thank you Barry Wise "

Tuesday, March 1 at 07:23 PM:
OneKindSite from Denver wrote:
"We would like to request you add a link to our site...we have built a directory so patients can find their medicine and we're providing more information for people who are learning that it's okay to use medicine to heal for a variety of medical conditions. Hope you can help us and add our link. Thanks, OneKindSite "

Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 12:06 PM:
weed from podcast wrote:
" weed podcast >> "

Friday, September 4, 2015 at 09:14 AM:
Paul from NORML wrote:

I'm pleased to present the latest expanded/updated edition of the publication "Emerging Clinical Applications for Cannabis & Cannabinoids - a comprehensive review of the latest peer-reviewed science specific to the safety and therapeutic efficacy of whole-plant cannabis and/or its components. The 2015 update includes two additional disease profiles (Parkinson's disease and PTS) and includes summaries of an addition 50+ relevant clinical and/or preclinical trials specific to cannabinoids' therapeutic utility. Several existing sections, such as Chronic Pain, Diabetes,and Epilepsy, have been significantly expanded since the last edition (January 2013). Also updated is the Introduction to the Endocannabinoid System (by Dustin Sulak, DO) and Why I Recommend Medical Cannabis (by Estelle Golddtein, MD). With summaries and citations of well over 250 recent peer- reviewed studies, this updated publication is one of the most thorough and up- to-date source-books available specific to the established therapeutic qualities of cannabis. The updated publication is available online here: >> "

Wednesday, August 26 at 09:51 AM:
Ashley from Absorb Health wrote:
"I'm writing from Absorb Health, a dietary supplements and natural skin care company. I'm writing because we've seen on your website that you have interest in the extremely powerful supplement Cannibidiol, as we do. We've put together an infographic that features Cannibidiol prominently. Would you be interested in posting it on your website? If so, all we ask is that you attribute it back to our page: >> "

Wednesday, August 26 at 09:30 AM:
Lee from NORML wrote:
" Compassion, Truth, Freedom, Integrity, Justice Welcome to the Family Law & Cannabis Alliance (FLCA)! Leaving no parent or legal guardian behind while ending cannabis prohibition. Because marijuana user &#8800; bad parent. >> "

Tuesday, August 11 at 03:09 PM:
Kari from wrote:
" is updated constantly with new information about research breakthroughs, clinical trials, recalls, and warnings from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We do our best to make consumers aware of the risks of certain medications and medical devices, to give them a better chance for quality of life. >> "

Tuesday, July 28 at 09:40 PM:
l wrote:
" The Cannabis Evolution Project Phylos Bioscience is mapping the history of Cannabis evolution, from thousands of years ago in Central Asia to the pharmacy shelves of the 1930s, to the last few decades of breeding in California and Holland. >> "

Tuesday, July 28 at 09:38 PM:
i wrote:
"Colorado has a genetics mapping project, affiliated through University of Colorado. >> "

Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 08:27 AM:
Claudia from Smokin' Hot Consultants wrote:
"WeedWeb is the YellowPages of the Cannabis Industry | We're building the most comprehensive online professional network in the legal cannabis industry. With over 8,000 companies already profiled in the WeedWeb directory, we're on a mission to help legal marijuana companies and anyone interested in this booming industry to find the information and partners they need to start, manage & grow their cannabis businesses! Think of all the endless possibilities that can come from having 8,000+ companies in your industry at the tip of your fingers. The initial networking is already done for you! Check it out for yourself! >> "

Tuesday, April 14 at 04:43 PM:
Herb Stomp from Portland, Oregon wrote:
" >> - Herb Stomp > sells sell Ethnobotanicals, Herbs, Glass Water Pipes, and more in Portland!"

Friday, April 3 at 12:37 AM:
Heather from Seattle, Washigton wrote:
"I would like people to be aware of my shop which provides American made Glass pipes, glass water pipes and accessories at wholesale prices for everyone! >> "

Tuesday, March 17, 2014 at 06:43 AM:
Thomas from SA wrote:
"I am not advertising, but I guess a little hint between friends and people suffering from health issues,should be allowed, try - >> - I am using them for more than 6 months and never had any issues about delivery or products. "

Monday, March 16 at 09:08 PM:
Granny from Storm Crow's List wrote:
"Share the List! Our government has lied to us for decades about this healing herb. It is time for the truth! There is so much more to cannabis than just the 'high'! Once the medical facts become known, the need for full legalization becomes obvious! And as my grandfather once said, “If the truth won’t do, then something is wrong!” - >> "

Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 07:53 AM:
Riley from Arizona Office for Americans with Disabilities wrote:
"thank you for providing such helpful information, I am sending you a link to an article that I found which I think you will be able to use. The article is Medical Marijuana vs. ADA in the Workplace: - It contains some great information regarding the use of marijuana for medical purposes and the laws surrounding the use. It would make a great addition to the resources on your page and I hope you are able to share it with others."

Saturday, December 27 at 11:57 AM:
Atif from wrote:
"Nice Informative Blog having nice sharing.. - - best marijuana in canada"

Friday, October 3 at 07:22 AM:
Eurogrow from Spain wrote:
"If you are looking for a specialized grow shop online in Spain you should visit - - we have everything you need to grow cannabis indoors. "

Friday, August 1, 2014 at 07:28 AM:
Mikhail Guralnik from NY wrote:
"I'm writing you to see if you may be interested in including our site ( as an additional resource on your - OMMP Resources page. We provide medical procedure prices comparison. We help patients find an affordable care. Patients can find a good and inexpensive provider. We are for full transparency in healthcare. Please check out our site. We think that - - would be a valuable addition to resources section as we bring real value to patients. "

Monday, November 25, 2013 at 10:02 AM:
somebody wrote:
" | Today we published a list of 5 prescription drugs that are commonly abused by addicts: - Here at we offer learning opportunities for pharmacy students and anyone interested in the field. We published this resource to inform both students and the public about drugs that are particularly dangerous due to the prevalence of abuse. We hope anyone considering a pharmacy career can get a leg up with information like we've provided here. "

Monday, November 25 at 08:42 AM:
i from i wrote:
" Drug Dangers ( While browsing through a number of health/support related sites, I came across your website and was very pleased by the resources you have listed. I’m writing you to see if you may be interested in including our site as an additional resource on your - OMMP Resources page. Drug Dangers is committed to providing the latest information on a range of medications and medical devices that have very serious complications. "

Wednesday, June 26 at 05:04 PM:
i wrote:
"Skunk Pharm Research LLC | Research and Development one safety meeting at a time. Visit - "

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 07:59 AM:
Steave from wrote:
" - provides free list of shops providing Glass Pipes, Bubblers, Animal Pipes, Water Pipes, Bowls and Stems, Chillums, Metal Pipes, Hookahs, Vaporizers. You can search shop by US State, Zip, Shop Name or City. "

Sunday, April 14 at 12:55 PM:
The Original 420 Dot Com from wrote:
"I would like to put a link to my site on your page please; Home of "The Original 420 Memory Game"! a Crazy New - FUN 420 PARTY GAME and other 420 related games and products. Unique and creative "Cannabis Culture" designs and graphics are printed on products like cannabis themed chess boards, backgammon boards, and Aluminum prints/signs. We have now partnered with to expand our 420 Products with 1 of a kind "Original 420 Designed"- posters, T- shirts, hats, smart phone cases and hundreds of other printable products found at Zazzle. Coming Soon-"The Original 420 Cannabis Cup Shuffle Game"! Stay Tuned! > "

Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 05:36 AM:
Peter from wrote:
"Being someone who has waited since the late 1960’s for the legalization of marijuana, I appreciate what NORML has tried to do over the years. I know that there are people around the country involved with NORML who have a sincere, positive interest in LSD but I don’t know who they are or where they are. So, I’m writing to every chapter in the country whose email is listed on the NORML website and also to other NORML emails in an effort to reach those people and let them know that I have an LSD website that they might like. I’ve gotten very good reports on it. Here is the link: "

Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 04:11 PM:
Martin K. from "Gone to Pot" team wrote:
"Gone to Pot is a comedy about two hustlers who inherit a medical marijuana dispensary - what could go wrong? Help us Kickstart the movie to find out. Time Magazine even wrote about our project. Get involved in the greatest pot comedy ever. How? We’ve created a ton of artwork for you to use at your discretion: pre- launch ads, post-launch ads, a printable black/white and color flyer, a pre-launch press release (post-launch coming Nov. 9th), and a pre- coded HTML email for you to send to your own distribution list. All the artwork is available here: "

Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 07:12 AM:
Granny from Eugene wrote:
"COME GROW WITH US Free My Green / Cannabis Compassion was started by Clinton, Deb, Granny and Immacolata in 2007 with a vision and dream to bring together OMMP patients, caregivers, and growers to a freely pay it forward system. This system has worked wonderfully as patients, caregivers, and growers are helping each other to become self-sufficient. Even if you are not/can't grow, come join our wonderfully compassionate community and meet many like-minded people to share your time with. We hope you visit soon, whether you are already a card holder or if you're seeking information on how to obtain your Oregon Medical Marijuana Program card. Visit - - or - "

Monday, March 12 at 03:29 PM:
Deb from wrote:
" "Cannabis Science™ works with World Authorities on phytocannabinoid science targeting critical illnesses. Adhering to scientific methodologies to develop, produce, and commercialize phytocannabinoid based pharmaceutical products." visit - "

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 06:58 PM:
Strider555 from Portland Oregon wrote:
" Our Goal here, is to provide you with a welcoming and helpful community . In which all members feel free to express themselves in any way they like so long as it does not infringe on other members enjoyment of the site, Also we simply ask that you treat each other with the respect we all deserve . Any issues may be brought up to a staff member. Ommp Pay It Forward is a OMMP community, and therefore abides by all OMMP laws, and we DO ask that you do the same, as per our (TOS) As staff here we work for you, to keep things clean, and running smoothly. We accept suggestions and constructive criticism. We hope that you find our forums helpful and informative, and that we can help you learn and then you in turn, can teach someone else. This is how we really pay it forward, by teaching others. Driving, talking ,being here to support other's, are all ways to pay it forward. Our goal is self sufficiency, and we would like to see each patient achieve that, thank you for choosing and enjoy our forums. What you will find after you join: Seasoned cultivators will share secrets to successful harvests. Patients who are willing to share their medication, tips on how to produce quality medication every harvest. Mentoring by experienced growers. Grow room tips and DIY advice by our professional installers. Oregon carded members will gain access to our private forums. You’ll find cannabis legislation and more. OMMP Pay it forward is a community of compassionate people willing to offer help today. All free! visit - "

Monday, March 5 at 04:06 PM:
OMMP Green Page from wrote:
"Ommp Green Page is a OMMP Resource Site. News,Laws,Links, Grow Tips, Blogs and MORE! "

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 11:44 AM:
me from here wrote:
"our friend Doug Snead (MAP/DrugSense) has produced an important eBook, "Drug War Propaganda", and it is now available as an inexpensive ($3) amazon kindle edition:

Description: A study of the propaganda used to sell the war on drugs to the public. The rhetoric and propaganda of drug prohibition is discussed. Major themes of drug prohibition propaganda are detailed. The reader is invited to critically examine government and media proclamations concerning illegal drugs and their users. Examples of contemporary drug war propaganda techniques and themes (ideas) are exposed, classified, and sorted. Chapters: 1. Hated Groups, 2. Crime, Violence, Insanity, 3. Survival of Society, 4. Gates of Hell, 5. Saving Our Children, 6. Battles with Demons, 7. Crack Sold Like Bubblegum, 8. Target: Dissent. Approximately 100,000 words; notes. 2003. (Kindle edition 2012)"

Friday, February 17 at 11:53 AM:
Ray Shakuri from California wrote:
" In regions where marijuana is recognized for its medical utility, not everyone is given the chance to avail of this herb. The people who truly need the herb for their infirmities are given a cannabis card – which is issued by the state that permits the patient armed with a licensed physician’s recommendation to acquire, possess or grow marijuana for medicinal use. This is the only way for a patient to be protected against marijuana laws and to be saved from prosecution in the eyes of the law.

A cannabis card can only be used in territories where medical marijuana is legalized. At present, only fourteen states are in favor of cannabis as part of patients’ therapeutic regimen. One of the said states is California and the weed is currently used to treat more than 100 diseases. To be able to gain access to marijuana dispensaries or clubs, and in order to avail of marijuana products, a cannabis card is a must. However, acquiring this card has been proven to be quite a challenge for a lot of people. The individual should first seek a licensed physician or a medical marijuana doctor and get a letter of recommendation. Afterwards, he should then submit an application for a medical marijuana card to the state and pay the appropriate fees. Once approval of the state is made, the card is then sent via mail. After this process, the card holder is then allowed to enter weed clubs or dispensaries and will then be permitted to obtain, cultivate and own marijuana and other related products for medical purposes.

The major impediment most people face relating to the acquisition of a cannabis card is finding out whether they are qualified or not. In order to make things work - one should first approach a licensed physician or medical marijuana doctor for they are the most knowledgeable when it comes to this problem. After all, these are the professionals who will determine whether the individual truly needs marijuana to alleviate one’s illness or symptoms, or not. It must also be noted that a cannabis card holder should be very cautious when using this privilege. One can still obtain marijuana illegally and get arrested despite one’s medical needs or his misuse of the card. Be sure to know and understand the laws regarding the use of marijuana.

It would be best to ask advice from a medical marijuana doctor for they know the laws regarding the use of medical cannabis. Also, purchasing cannabis products should be made only in legal marijuana dispensaries. Remember that any transactions dealt outside the confines of a weed club are considered illegal. The use of marijuana as medicine has given rise to positive and negative issues. The controversy regarding its addicting element has overtaken the possible benefits one may get from it. However, in this modern day, more people have opened their minds to the medicinal prowess of cannabis and more states are considering its legalization. Thus, in time, weed clubs and cannabis cards will be more prevalent – and more people will be able to benefit from it. visit - "

Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 07:17 PM:
dre from OR wrote:
" is a great head shop / smoke shop locator that helps find local shops that sell everything from vaporizers to glass pipes to help patients consume in the healthiest possible ways."

Friday, December 16, 2011 at 09:39 AM:
tim from cos bay, or. wrote:
" where can i sell my excess pot legally? i have a small amount of high quality and it would help to offset my expenses as i survive on SS.

i should add that i am a licensed grower, botanist, and work to develope strains which are ailment specific. i can be contacted at

thanks "

Wednesday, December 14 at 10:36 AM:
just a girl from Oregon wrote:
"Free My Green. is a bunch of people who play GOD and justify their judgmental control freak issues and pray real hard while they control their cult group. Dont put yourself through it, Granny even controls who you can be friends with or even date. Pretty sick. Pray for them "

Thursday, December 1 at 06:38 PM:
me from here wrote:
"Our Mission's mission is to provide the most comprehensive file search on the Internet.

Who are we - findthatfile was founded in late 2009 and has since grown to become the most extensive file search on the Internet. Common searches are for PDFs, Documents, Audio, Video, RAR and ZIP compressed files, Fonts, and much much more. visit - "

Wednesday, September 14 at 07:26 AM:
Doug from Cannabis.WebHop wrote:
"These important films explain the impact of cannabis and cannabinoids in our body. Giving us clear and easy to understand the science behind this sacred herb and how it impacts every living being. These powerful and eye-opening films explain the future of cannabis, and perhaps even the future of medicine !! visit - "

Friday, August 19, 2011 at 09:57 AM:
Sherry from Reference Daily wrote:
"My suggestions, "

Friday, August 17 at 09:22 AM:
James from wrote:
"I would be extremely grateful if you would consider adding a link to our website, We provide impartial information and advice on choosing a stair lift, which I’m sure, would be useful to your visitors. In case you need them, here are my linking details:

Title: Residential Stair Lifts
Description: Provides helpful advice about stairlifts and has a useful FAQ page."

Friday, August 13 at 08:51 AM:
Rod from wrote:
"420 Close Collective and Medical Marijuana Dispensary Software is the most complete, most flexible, most functions, most configurations, and the most picturesque in the world. Extensive document inventory, consignment, vendor, patients, patient products, balances and agreement control between membership shares. No money mention, similar to POS, we call Point of Dispense along with all the other ccStarm goodies. Specifically designed for non profit Closed Collectives wanting tight control. Visit - "

Friday, August 10 at 08:47 AM:
Lakshman from wrote:
"At this present moment, I am seeking meaningful links from quality websites just like yours, for a current project on behalf of - - As you'll see, this is based upon a similar theme to yours and does in my view, offer added value content for web site visitors.

Title: Sports Medicine
Desc: Australia's largest provider of physiotherapy, sports medicine and allied healthcare services "

Saturday, August 6 at 09:01 PM:
Cedrick from MMJ Kush wrote:
"We combined Craigslist with Groupon and made it FREE for everyone in the Medical Marijuana Industry. There is no need to continue to pay just to advertise your business or even to create an advertisement expense budget. MMJ Kush is FREE and will always be. Visit us at to post your free ads with photos and videos or even publish your daily deals using our self service daily deal publishing platform. "Remember to tell your friends to join because FREE Advertising doesn't benefit anyone unless others know where to find it. "

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 06:53 PM:
grape420 from williams, oregon wrote:
" looking for the live feed or taped introves at 7:30 tonight. Love your site evjoying getting lost great reading thank you.

Eva "

Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 12:56 PM:
Chris from Medicinal Farmers of America wrote:
"We are here to help anyone with their marijuana garden. Medicinal Farmers of America provides licensed marijuana gardening consultations. Our website is "

Saturday, December 4 at 08:38 AM:
i from here wrote:
"About Caring Maryjane | All of us at care about the people who need cannabis for medical reasons and want to help them provide themselves with the necessary medicine. Growing marijuana can seem overwhelming when you have never done it before and that is why this site is here, so you can learn to care for Maryjane so that Maryjane can care for you. visit - "

Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 11:49 PM:
Maniche from India wrote:
" I would like to cultivate marijuana in india for medical purpose legally, can somebody help??? "

Monday, April 19, 2010 at 08:02 PM:
Sarah from Eugene, Oregon wrote:
"Let's help make it legal for anyone over 21 to consume and to grow this year in Oregon. If you are a registered voter in Oregon and want to sign a single petition go to and sign today. If you wish to help collect signatures email kyndall at Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2010, let's do this. "

Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 04:53 AM:
Scott from Colorado wrote:
"Your site is full of great resources and information. I also strive to provide Medical Marijuana information. My site provides information to help patients find reputable caregivers and dispensaries in Colorado.

Thanks, -Scott "

Tuesday, December 8 at 11:43 AM:
Michel from USA wrote:
"Dear Webmaster, I visited your web site and found some great information in your Links page. I thought you might be interested to know that we have a web site dedicated to Traffic school, defensive driving course and driver improvement course. We were hoping that you might consider linking to us. If you determine that a link to our site is appropriate, please add it at your description , or might we suggest the following link and description: URL: Title: Online Traffic School Description: Online Traffic School Guide provides the complete information about defensive driving,traffic school, point reduction, driver improvement and driving safety courses of all the states in all the aspects. If you'd like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact us at below E-mail address. Best Regards, Michel "

Wednesday, September 9 at 09:23 PM:
Todd from Colorado wrote:
" I would like to say that I like your site and it is very thorough. Would you link to our site? Colorado Medical Marijuana LLC ( is a company specializing in medical marijuana application and registration assistance and doctor referrals. Any link love would be appreciated.

Todd "

Thursday, July 2 at 01:37 PM:
somebody from wrote:
" One Stop Pipe Shop | Glass Pipes | Water Pipes | Bongs - Wholesale and retail glass pipes and water pipes, we also carry an assortment of metals, ceramics,softglass as well as acrylics pipes/waterpipes ... visit - "

Sunday, March 8, 2009 at 11:19 AM:
I wrote:
"Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and CannabinoïdsA Patients Information Web SiteThis site is dedicated to scientific information on the experienced benefits of Cannabinoids for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It includes the treatment of typical chronic symptoms expressed in many ADHD adults ; impulsivity, anxiety, lack of attention, depression tendency, drug abuses tendencies and death / suicidal ideations, PTSD, tics... It is an undeniable fact that thousands of diagnosed, or undiagnosed ADHD people, all over the world, independently of local national laws, use cannabis and cannabinoids as an alternative medication to standard medications (methylphenidate, anxiolytics, antidepressant, benzodiazepines, ...) or as self-medication. visit - "

Sunday, March 8 at 11:17 AM:
me here wrote:
"Dr. David Bearman is one of the most clinically knowledgable physicians in the U.S. in the field of medicinal marijuana. He has spent 40 years working in substance and drug abuse treatment and prevention programs. Dr. Bearman was a pioneer in the free and community clinic movement. His career includes public health, administrative medicine, provision of primary care, pain management and cannabinology.

His almost 40 year professional experience in the drug abuse treatment and prevention field includes being the Co-Director of the Haight-Ashbury Drug Treatment Program, being a member of Governor Reagan's Inter Agency Task Force on Drug Abuse, a member of both the Santa Barbara and the San Diego County Drug Abuse Technical Advisor Committees, and a consultant to Hoffman-LaRoche, Santa Barbara County Schools and the National PTA. visit - "

Tuesday, October 14 at 12:59 PM:
Robert Dvoran from Parma, Ohio wrote:
"need medical pot. Doctors prescibe morphine, vicoden and everything under the sun. medical mj works alot better, than the garbage they prescribe ... "

Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 02:14 PM:
JJ from Eugene wrote:
" we have the oregon medical web site, we are a group who helps people get legal and thru free clones and help with growing we hepl people get independant. visit - "

Thursday, May 29 at 01:59 AM:
Fred from Holland wrote:
"Seed selection is an important thing to do if you want to grow marijuana at home. Here's a plce where you can start:"

Tuesday, May 13 at 10:46 PM:
Jane from Drug Rehabs wrote:
" There are several drug rehabilitation centers which are delivering its services at reasonable charges. But some people could not bear this much amount for <a href='http://www.drugrehabsce'>drug addiction treatment</a>. In recent times many not-for-profit organizations have emerged for helping these poor people. "

Tuesday, May 13 at 10:44 PM:
Sam from Drug Rehabs Centers wrote:
" Due to increase in the crime related to drug and alcohol abuse, many organizations of different countries have started drug education programs. This provides necessary information to the people about the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol. "

Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 12:34 PM:
dio from Silverton, OR. wrote:
" my mom has her card but has no medical pharmacy. where in Salem, if any, can she go ? "

Friday, November 30, 2007 at 04:16 AM:
Rev. Will I. Am Winget from Eugene, Oregon wrote:
" Our church, The Church of the Caring, which has cannibas as our sacrament, is having an event here in Eugene, asking others to consider the same. Called "Peace Links", simply put, getting 8760 people to dedicate 1hr of time at their local Fed. Bldg in a peaceful manner continuously until there is no more war and our troops come home starting 12:01 Jan 1st 08. Asking each person to work on resol- ving a dispute (war) with a person they know. Anyone's welcome here or to start a similar event where they live. More info available through email: or webpage Your sight here is very appreciated."

Saturday, October 27, 2007 at 01:15 PM:
I AM OTIS DUA from ITALY wrote:

Tuesday, October 9 at 07:12 PM:
maria b. horton from John Day OREGON wrote:

Saturday, September 29 at 05:45 AM:
Tom from Seedjoint - UK wrote:
"Offer ing cannabis seeds Top brands of seeds at good fair prices. Secure online ordering and discreet delivery. NOTE: potential Patient Resource. Caveat Emptor! (Let The Buyer Beware) of Legal Issues ... among others "

Tuesday, August 14 at 11:13 AM:
Kelsey from Oregon wrote:
"I am really sad that you cannot get a medical marijuana card in Oregon for severe anxiety and depression. My husband has been diagnosed with these very debilitating conditions and has found that MJ is the only thing that really helps. We are faced with breaking the law and our pocketbook because we cannot grow it. "

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 12:41 AM:
Jerry from Mt. Angel, Ore. wrote:
" I found a good way to make clone's.  Buy a rubbermaid storage box at walmart about12x15x10.  Then you need submersable pump eco185, about 2ft of 5/8 tubing.  Drill about 10 1-1/4 hole's on lid, 1 or 2 little sprinklers that you can get at grow store+1-1/4 bye 1/2 thick rubber plugs, to hold the cuttings!!  Basically, you can buy these cloning box'es at the grow store.  They work great.

Jerry "

Thursday, July 12 at 04:31 PM:

Saturday, June 9, 2007 at 04:01 PM:
New medical marijuana patient, looking for info, experience, etc. from Sherwood, OR wrote:
" Am confused and still half afraid of being persecuted for being honest about use of medicne that works. Seeking info on growing starts, clones, as well as how to find medicine if I don't have any"

Monday, April 9 at 03:01 AM:
Ari from Germany wrote:
"I'd like to see my link at your site :)

What would it take?


Ari "

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at 08:06 PM:
catherine madigan, clinical psychologist from shyness and social anxiety treatment australia wrote:
" suggesting some websites as possible links for your site - Title: Shyness And Social anxiety Treatment Australia Description: information on social anxiety, shyness, depression, blushing, sweating, public speaking anxiety, Title: Anxiety Treatment Australia Description: information on anxiety disorders, panic attacks, phobias, stress management, insomnia, chronic pain.

ps happy to reciprocate the links if you forward your site description thanks catherine "

Wednesday, February 7 at 07:55 AM:
the Folks from Liberty Distributors wrote:
Medicine, Marijuana and the Law

A New Feature Documentary from Filmmaker Jed Riffe, Director of Ishi, The Last Yahi, Jed Riffe's documentary ostensibly is about medical marijuana and the individuals who require it to ease a variety of ailments. But it's also a methodical and damning denunciation of this country's drug policy. - Robert W. Butler, Entertainment Writer, Kansas City Star Waiting to Inhale is a sensitive, balanced exploration of an issue which has been politicized and polarized beyond reason. The facts - and emotions - are presented in an engaging, informative manner, and this film should be widely seen - especially by legislators and opinion leaders. - Steve Heilig, Education Director, San Francisco Medical Society Waiting to Inhale examines the current debate over legalizing medical marijuana in the United States and abroad. In the United States, eleven states have passed laws with medical marijuana provisions. Yet, use, cultivation and possession - for any reason - remain illegal under federal law. Is marijuana really a gateway drug? Is there scientific evidence to support the claim that cannabis can treat the painful symptoms of illnesses like cancer, AIDS and MS? Waiting to Inhale sheds new light on this controversial struggle - presenting exclusive access to the first medical studies on smoked cannabis to take place in over 30 years.

Producer & Director Jed Riffe Editor Maureen Gosling Writer and Co-Producer Kat Covell Associate Producer Garrett Braren Cinematographer Vicente Franco Original Score by Max Baloian Jed Riffe Films, LLC Funded in part by: The Saul Zaentz Film Complex California Council for the Humanities LEF Foundation Educational Foundation of America Marijuana Policy Project Sundance Documentary Fund Fleishhacker Foundation Texas Council for the Humanities Illinois Humanities Council On Sale now S.R.P. $24.95 * Sale$ 19.95

For certified medical marijuana caregivers only, wholesale copies of 'Waiting to Inhale' are available on DVD.

Liberty Distributors ~ "

Saturday, December 30 at 08:43 PM:
Rev. Will I. Am from Eugene, Oregon wrote:
"I am a spiritual advocate of the herb. Anyone who helps anyone out (caring) has an option to be a minister in what we call the Church of the Caring, the Church of Cognizance was busted recently and we have been busted in 1991, where the court acknowledged our right to exist as a church, without the ability to share sacrament, cause our sacrament was/is illegal. Personally I know everyone is busy so anyone wishing to know more or share dialogue, Webpage

Shalom "

Tuesday, October 17 at 05:01 AM:
Catherine Madigan, psychologist from Australia wrote:
" Hi. I have 2 websites on shyness and social anxiety treatment which might be useful links for your site - * Title: Shyness and Social Anxiety Treatment Australia Information on social anxiety, shyness, depression, stress management tips, blushing, sweating, public speaking anxiety, psychologists * Title: Anxiety treatment Australia Description: information on anxiety disorders, panic attacks, phobias, stress management, insomnia, depression, psychologists, chronic pain "

Monday, July 31 at 03:18 AM:
buono man from wrote:
" is a Dynamic site Focusing on all the uses of Medical Marijuana. Sections include an extensive list of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, News, CO-OP Reviews,SB420, Games,420 Girls,Humor, 420, Forums, Sources for Legal Representation and Coming Soon!! a Strain Identification Database( 420-SID ). "

Thursday, December 1, 2005:
Marco from wrote:

It is the largest medical marijuana forum on the net we have just released issue 2 of our new mmj publication

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee "

Thursday, October 6, 2005 at 11:42 AM:
Danyal from opmc wrote:
" To whom it may concern,

I am contacting you to see what is required to be listed on you helpful links. We are a Medical Marijuana Clinic and a support group. Our information is as follows:

OPMC – Oregon Pain Management Clinic, We are located in Drain, Oregon. We are dedicated to providing quality Healthcare to people who wish to participate in OMMA. We are not your stereotypical Medical Marijuana Clinic. Professional, kind, confidential help is now available.

OPMM – Oregon Patients for Medical Marijuana, in partnership with OPMC. We are a Medical Marijuana support group whose goal is to provide quality assistance to patients who have an OMMA card. We have three membership types to best suite you needs.

If there is any further information you need please let me know.

Thank you for your time,

Danyal Thomas

Office Manager

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 10:14 PM:
lanie from phelan wrote:
"Looking for A PHYSICIAN who can prescribe medical marijuana????? if so please email me at "

Tuesday, September 27 at 02:58 PM:
ernesto j. fernandez from santa maria, california wrote:
" being a card holder in s.b. county, how many plants am i allowed to in the privacy of my own home. "

Thursday, July 21 at 02:32 PM:
Eric Chase from Los Angeles, CA wrote:
"Please add to Links
Advocates & Business:

Title: Drug Crime Defense Attorney - Legal Help and Information

Link URL:

Description: Arrested or accused of a drug offense? Get drug crime information and a fast, free attorney consultation. Criminal defense attorneys are ready to help.


Tuesday, July 12 at 12:03 PM:
Don DuPay from Portland Cannabis Common Sense wrote:
"My Weblog address is HTTP:// My E-mail address is My web log containes information editorials etc on MJ issues Hep c etc Please link to my web log

Perry!! "

Friday, June 3, 2005 at 05:48 PM:
Jayjay from me wrote:
" is it true that the cannabis bud has 420 chemicals in it "

Wednesday, May 18 at 07:29 AM: from Colorado wrote:
" Does anyone know of a list of Providers for Psychiatrists in the Colorado Springs area who are open to using cannabis in treatment?"

Friday, March 18 at 04:31 AM: from Toronto, Ontario, Canada wrote:
"A medical marijuana club for Canadians and Canadians residents"

Wednesday, March 2, 2004 at 07:35 AM:
Eric Wood Joint Venture Coordinator Hwy 420 .CA from Toronto, Ontario wrote:


The Natural Health Alternative

Canadians and Americans Unite
Hwy. 420 Cannabis Forum
Niagara Falls, ON
Niagara Falls Public Library
LeMarsh Room
4848 Victoria Ave.
Apr. 16, 10 ­- 3:30


Including Loretta Nall
Founder US Marijuana Party

Protest March to Rainbow Bridge starts at three thirty.
Visit for more.

Best protest sign with your city and state (province) wins give away prize
Contact Eric Wood
Joint Venture Coordinator
416 652 2574 "

Saturday, January 22, 2004 at 06:33 PM:
Gerald ( from California wrote:
"I would like some help on locating a doctor for a perscription. I am disabled with diabetes and marijuana is the only thing that helps the pain "

Monday, January 10 at 03:22 PM: from Omaha, Nebraska wrote:
"I am searching for more info. on states rights to make laws for medicinal marijuana within their borders. "

Saturday, January 8, 2004 at 08:52 AM: from Santa Rosa, California wrote:
" I am searching for the list of all medical conditons considered eligible for getting a medical marijuana prescription. Any help? "

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